"Dazed and Confused" - the sequel: "Everybody Wants Some"

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
If you enjoyed Foghat blasting during the movie "Dazed and Confused," then you probably will be appreciative of Richard Linklater's new movie, "Everybody Wants Some" which is a bit further along on the lifeline of kids just out of high school, arriving at college, before classes start. Lots of testosterone here, hey, they're 18!


I was at my dentist's for a cleaning yesterday, and the office worker told me her son, Blake Jenner, (no, no relation to Caitlyn Jenner!) was starring in a new movie by Richard Linklater. So, here's an article, it looks pretty-funny. That's him on the left, dancing w/a girl who vaguely resembles Minnie Driver. Who remembers Minnie's great line from "Good Will Hunting," telling a joke to the 'Southies' in Boston with-whom she's drinking in a bar, "Gimme a kiss!"


Dig those clothes, dig that hair! Looks like a good time.

The movie is being billed by distributor Paramount Pictures as a spiritual sequel to Dazed and Confused, Linklater’s 1993 comedy that followed the hijinks of a group of teenagers after the last day of school in 1976. The films are conceptually linked: Both are plotless ensemble pieces, steeped in the popular culture of their respective eras (Dazed opened with a shot of a car blasting Aerosmith’s Sweet Emotion from the radio; the new movie uses The Knack’s My Sharona), soaked in beer and clouded in marijuana smoke.

But unlike Dazed and Confused, which tracked the intersecting stories of more than a dozen characters, Everybody Wants Some!! focuses exclusively on Jake and his athletic bros as they meet girls at discos, country and western bars, punk rock night clubs and campus parties. The thematic focus is male bravado: Jake and his gang are cocksure and confident, with a noticeable swagger in their step. Because they’re athletes, they’re also ruthlessly competitive about everything, not just on the baseball field but also supposedly friendly games of ping-pong or eight-ball pool. Even a bong session becomes a contest of who can take the biggest hit without coughing.
Linklater, who played outfield as a freshman when he attended Sam Houston State University on a baseball scholarship in the 1980s, says he grew up knowing that sort of win-at-all costs mentality very well.

See for yourself if it's how you recall things from when you were 'that age.'
"Good Will Hunting" is one of my favorite movies, and one of my favorite Robin Williams movies. He did so-many great stories, I guess he couldn't accept he was not as-sharp as he once was, and that age was catching-up with him. I also liked "The World According to Garp" which had a cameo by the author (John Irving) in it as the wrestling referee for Robin Williams as a high-school wrestler. Great performances by John Lithgow and Glenn Close.
Yep, Boyhood was a long time coming, a good story, and difficult to film over that longitudinal timeline. I like that it ended with a positive spin.

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