I'm Baaaa AAack!

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 9, 2006
Reaction score
Osteen, FL
OK guys. I have left facebook. They are EXCOMUNICADO!
I have removed them from my phone and will no longer be participating in their communist society.
So i will be returning here for all things VMAX!
Which brings up a question. I used Tapatalk for the VMaxforum before. but now when I log back in to tapatalk it shows VMaxforum on my groups. But yet I cant get to the forum.
Anyone know what's up with Tapatalk?
Good to hear you left facebook.
I my self. Have NEVER had a fb account. To many idiots.all up in whatever you post.
( In my day.we had real friends. And spoke in person.not with emojis and videos)

Welcome back !
I hear ya. I always used it to stay connected to the people and friends I dont get to see much because everyone is so spread out across the country. I also have a habit of discussing controversial topics with the people I know. Some call it arguing, I call it expressing my opinion and explaining my point of view.
There are a lot Of people that get mad when people dont agree with them. And that always gets blown way up when people aren't face to face. We tend to loose that personal connection through media.
I always tried to keep on point, and not turn arguments into personal attacks. Sadly, not everyone has that control. And I am in no way perfect all the time.
I'm human, I make mistakes, I get emotional, and I want to be accepted for who I am. Just like every other human being. And unfortunately a lot of people forget that basic principle and use social media as thier own personal control of their life and try to force others to be the same.
But as with life, you can not control people's minds. It has always failed in communism, socialism, and social media is no different.
So I never try to control the way any one thinks. I simple express my thoughts and my views, express my feelings, simply to let others know Who I Am.
So as for facebook, Twitter and google, yes they are addictive tools to stay connected. But unfortunately they are now controlled by people that are doing everything they can to force you to comply with their way of thinking. Controlling what gets said and not allowing personal freedoms. They are doing everything in their power to tell you what is right and wrong and how you should think. And that my friends is communism.
I Am An American Patriot.
Individual Freedoms Rule Here.
And I Will Not Comply.

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