Anti vaccine activist died from COVID. Pretty blond girl...

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Probably? Doesn't negate? lol It means the numbers are light years off.... No biggie right? The more frightened people are the more money big business and big media makes...

Light years off? - an opinion and a broad and baseless statement - show me the numbers.

It means that the idea that COVID can be vaxxed away like polio is false, that the narrative is false and the widely accepted notion that is the basis for crazy policy is false...

It is no differemt to the flu jab or many other vaccines - the aim is not to eliminate the disease but to minimise its impact at a personal level by reducing serious illness and death and also to the wider economy which will, and has taken significant damage...or is that also part of the world government plan?

If you're unsure that Omicron hasn't killed (zero or near zero) then look it up.... World-wide deaths due to Omicron based on data available appear to be extremely low compared to other variants... This is also typical to see strains take a course of less deadly but more transmissible... When all the numbers are in we will have a clearer picture...

I have have a look at the map on the Centers for disease and control web site which shows the number of deaths in the last seven days. People are still dying and whilst all will not will not be from Omicron some will. Again, your claim of zero deaths from Omicron is baseless...unless you can show the numbers.

Big fan of big business and big pharma? The people of the United States (government) fund much of this research & development for this and other medicines and other products, then big business comes along and rips people off either directly or indirectly making some people choose between food, rent or medicine...whereas every other developed nation does not.

Whilst it is true that governments have contributed so have shareholders.
It is also true that governments and their population will rake in significant amounts from the various taxes that the sales generate.
What are you suggesting, that these companies sell their product on a non profit basis? If that be the case then who would pay for the development costs, staff and infrastructure and compensate those who have put money into the businesses.

The point is that a highly qualified doctor (in this case the inventor of mRNA technology) was silenced because what he was saying didn't fit the corporate narrative.... Moreover, they never claimed he lied but removed his account anyway... All of this should concern thinking people...

Two points here - i) just because someone says something, regardless of qualification doesn't make it true. ii) You still haven't given any indication as to what was said so it is impossible to form a considered opinion.

Is there perhaps a segment or show here and there not sponsored by Pfizer? Sure... Does that entirely miss the point... Sure. If you think that big business doesn't make the laws in this country, control the corporate narrative of the establishment then you need to do some research and open your eyes.

Sorry, silly me, I thought is was governments that made the laws - everyone is allowed to lobby their representatives but it is a big leap to suggest that those lobbying always get their way. It also seems reasonable that if it is their business then they will control the narrative...just as you and I are by commenting here.

Anyone paying attention understands that corporate narratives, ie propaganda exists everywhere including the US... If you think propaganda to facilitate various government and corporate interests doesn't exist in the US and its corporate media (all controlled by the same oligarchs) then I have a really nice bridge to sell you.... Again, the more frightened people are the more money big business, big pharma and big media makes...

See my comment above. You appear to be suggesting that making profit is not good?

The United States is controlled and run by big business and those oligarchs that control those businesses. Big pharma made Billions last year on COVID and they are not the only business segment making big money on this. Profit motives continue to be the driving force behind almost all policy and public corporate narratives here and around the globe...and it's killing people....

Many business will try and influence for their benefit - to suggest otherwise would be naive. The alternative would be that we would have to leave it to the politicians and their non-elected administrators to decide policy operating in a bubble isolated from the outside world. Would that be a good idea?

If you don't like the current system then your arguments would, perhaps, carry more weight if you offered alternative solutions.
Additionally, making bland statements without any attempt to back them up with hard facts or reference where you get the information is why I'm questioning your comments.
You may be correct but without any data to support your arguments there is also the possibility you my be just spreading unfounded propaganda.
Of course, much of the above are my opinions which may, or may not be correct. o_O

PS - My apologies to Julian and others like minded for continuing this discussion. The alternative, however, would be to allow opinion to be stated as fact something I will always challenge.
Given that the vast majority of post are m/c related I don't see a problem. If you don't like non m/c posts then don't bother to click on the header.
E.g. The heading 'Anti vaccine activist died from COVID. Pretty blond girl...' should be a clue that this post won't be of any interest to you.
If others wish to comment and discuss that is their choice.

Yep, my error. Curiosity got the better of me.
I'll stick with motorcycles.

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