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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2015
Reaction score
Black Hills, South Dakota
So I first noticed the word "Bro" being used in moderation in specific subcultures, I heard it beginning around the early-mid 80s. It carried endearing connotations of someone very close, or someone you ride with regularly but it was not thrown around much. Using "Bro" before then was like telling a chick you love her before the second date. Outside the world of motorcycling it was rarely heard, at least by me.

More recently I have been hearing it quite a bit. When I first got the Vmax I was at an HD dealership thinking that they would surely know someone local who could turn a Corbin into a comfortable seat (Morley will be doing my seat over the winter). I heard the word Bro used so many times between so many people it was almost painful. There were a couple fist bumps to, it was tear jerking. It reaffirmed something I figured out in the 90s. They do not make bikers the way they used to!

A word once reserved for close friends is now a common greeting. Is it watered down now to a point where we can burry it next to the hi-five? Maybe I have misread this whole thing since I'm not as social as I used to be. It's not a bad word and I'm wholly in favor of people being able to say whatever they want at any time but this has been on my mind for awhile now and the curiosity is gnawing at me. Is it overused? Do you overuse it? Do you ever use it?
Used by me only occasionally and then for very close friends. I do not use it as a matter of course to parley w/a stranger.

I do use the term "brother" when referring to another firefighter, though there are some "sisters" who have shown themselves worthy of the greeting due to their work ethic and demeanor.
The word "bro" or "brother" is a term I reserve for the closest of friends. Not used lightly. Unfortunately, over my life there have been a very few people who abused this level of friendship. These people wound up being told in NO uncertain terms that the friendship is over. I have three friends close enough to call "brother".. Glenn, Joe and Bill. These guys are as close to me as my biological brother, and it's a mutual bond of respect and friendship
Bro or Bros. Reserved only for my CLOSE fellow riders which are few... others are just f$%#tards.
I very rarely use that term term reserved for close riding buddies , 'cause I don't have a lot of close riding buddies. Not big on large gatherings of bikes on a road anymore either. I'm probably 90% lone rider now a days. Weekends reserved for grandsons & family stuff. Weekdays mostly running a business with some slip out time for golf & riding.
I'm really glad to know that it's probably just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have heard "brother" used among law enforcement, medics and firefighters, the higher risk jobs and this makes sense if you rely on those folks for your safety. I'm mostly solo to so I have not used the word for quite some time, especially since I moved from Towtruck op to healthcare. I'm happy to see we still have some perspective.
I think Im the same as several others on here. If I call someone Brother or Bro they have my respect and we have been down the road together. Thick and thin good times and bad. Of course I was raised to believe that "friends" is a loose term at best family is a group of people who you cannot choose and may or may not be there in hard times. But a Brother will be no matter what.

There is a Botherhood on this forum it consists of like minded indiviuals whom whether they have ever met in person or not are willing to help each other out with no expectations of a return other than a mutual respect. I have read countless threads since becoming a member of this forum where the V-Max may have brought us here but those threads had nothing to do with bikes really but help and support for another person who hit a hard spot or lost a loved one . I personally felt this here with the loss of my sister you guys most of which I have never met showed me compassion and support. Or when I bought a bike Fire-Medic hooked me up with and tested out for me in Florida the CaptainKyle delivered to me in Texas after they hauled it across Florida to him. These are things that random people in this day and age do not normally do but I have seen and experienced here.

Bro Brother or Sister are not terms to use lightly. IMHO of course...
I heard a guy a few weeks back say (as he was upset about something ):

"That really sours me bro"

THAT- was so rediculous that it cracked me up..unfortunately, I say that phrase myself now . Mainly cuz I'm Makin fun of him though.

T $
Interesting, it was stated in a Youtube The History of the Yamaha Vmax 1200 - best bike since 1985, it covers the profile of a Vmax owner. Apparently, we are more or less like a lone wolf. Hmmmm. I think it's correct from what everyone is posting. Wolves banding together on occasion to howl. Bring out your Kerker Hindle or Cobras
LOL....of course you know the next time that I call.....I will have to call you "Bro" about every third word.
Let me suggest a great alternative to "Bro". Be cutting edge and utter "dude" more often to highlight maturity and showcase an amazing vocabulary. :rofl_200:

Seriously, it's nice to know that I perceived this whole bro thing wrong. I know there is some abuse of the word but I really thought it was being slaughtered. I just had to know.

One quick parting thought/question. I'm not sure about this but I saw a Southpark episode months ago where Cartman was mocking someone and using the word "Bro" but it was pronounced more like "Bra". I fired my cable company years ago so I only watch what I want so I'm not sure who he was mocking, maybe a bounty hunter reality TV show or something. I guess Trauma can call me bro, I'll grandfather him in for saving me so time and $ :punk:

Dude = Dewd
Bro = Bra.

Pop culture confuses me!
I don't think "bro" or "brother" are terms relegated only for use for one's closest friends. I think that it IS in the same boat as "dude." Perhaps not for some of you here, but generally so.

I've also heard "bro" used as a description for a man bra. :biglaugh:
Brah is used in Hawaii by Hawaiians.
This is the slang term for "bro" which is slang for brother..a slang inside a slang 8) THIS ORIGINATED IN THE STATE OF HAWAII! for those who think that it originated in southern california or where ever, your are miss informed. It is the pigdin (english-hawaiian slang) word that is used state wide in Hawaii not only by surfers but by all people born and raised in hawaii of all racial groups. and it pains me when I hear cali haole tourist say it.
One quick parting thought/question. I'm not sure about this but I saw a Southpark episode months ago where Cartman was mocking someone and using the word "Bro" but it was pronounced more like "Bra". I fired my cable company years ago so I only watch what I want so I'm not sure who he was mocking, maybe a bounty hunter reality TV show or something. I guess Trauma can call me bro, I'll grandfather him in for saving me so time and $ :punk:

Dude = Dewd
Bro = Bra.

Pop culture confuses me!

LOL....good to know. Seriously, in South Louisiana, it is said as "Bra"...and occasionally I do say dude....but thats from being a child of the 80's.
Nope. Bro for me is MOST definitely used with closer Brothers, ones I'd probably take a bullet for... watch over their family and belongings...nobody else. I distribute dude, infrequently at best. When I do, it's usually handed out to a person who's irked me.
When a person you formerly considered a friend, or even a bro goes stupidly out of control, to the point where your only option is to ban him from your life, in my opinion that is permanent. The person will be advised to stay away, and hopefully he will have common sense to comply.
When a person you formerly considered a friend, or even a bro goes stupidly out of control, to the point where your only option is to ban him from your life, in my opinion that is permanent. The person will be advised to stay away, and hopefully he will have common sense to comply.

I'm glad to see that most folks don't throw the word around lightly. I can think of only one time I had to distance myself from a former bro quality friend. Sad day indeed. I regularly move on from acquaintances that become flakey or bring on excessive drama and I don't think twice about it. I LOVE my 98% drama free existence. Life is to short to fill it with flakes or people that are a vexation. I would go through some steps and patience for a bro, but as I have seen, sometimes there is no other way and it's sad as these sorts of friends are very rare.