"I kin save it!"

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Well-Known Member
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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
"No, ya can't!"

How did this clown find his way onto a track, and choose to display his total lack of common sense and bike-handling skills? :confused2: I bet the hospital bill for this schlub was in the tens of thousands of dollars-for his first 24 hours. Broken pelvis, collapsed lung(s), ruptured spleen, lacerated liver, maybe a perforated bladder if he did this on a bellyful of beer...not to mention the sepsis from being ground into the pavement, cushioning the bike from the pavement w/his body. Skull fractures, possible intracranial bleed, it would be like Evel Knievil at Caesar's Palace, except worse.


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"No, ya can't!"

How did this clown find his way onto a track, and choose to display his total lack of common sense and bike-handling skills? :confused2: I bet the hospital bill for this schlub was in the tens of thousands of dollars-for his first 24 hours. Broken pelvis, collapsed lung(s), ruptured spleen, lacerated liver, maybe a perforated bladder if he did this on a bellyful of beer...not to mention the sepsis from being ground into the pavement, cushioning the bike from the pavement w/his body. Skull fractures, possible intracranial bleed, it would be like Evel Knievil at Caesar's Palace, except worse.

Amazingly, no sign of panic on his face, yet. The ending was a different story I'm sure. :Shocked:
Yes, it's like, "tie your feet together, then be pulled behind a car, and have someone drop 500 lbs on you along your entire body. We're interested in the amount of resulting trauma."
Darwin would be proud. Guys like this are why I can not work in the ER or even ICU, it feels wrong to defy natural selection and as a long term care nurse I have never had to deal with this sort of idiocy on a medical level.
Fire-medic I can appreciate how you automatically see things like this through the eyes of your training and profession. Not so encumbered, this is one of the funniest sights I've ever seen. I would love to see the video and how exactly it ended. I too would also like to know how he got onto a track with no helmet or gear. There is an indoor kart track near Boston MA that requires a full face helmet, full race suit including proper footwear.
There IS a bright side to this incident, lads.
Given the near-perfect alignment of the endo, and the cushioned landing area, the bike probably escaped relatively unharmed.
Kinda like falling into a bed of pillows, 'ceptin pillows don't bleed all over ya.
Miles, I can appreciate the sentiment about wishing the schlemiel less injuries, but a quarter-ton of steel & aluminum in motion is not going to be mitigated much by 3 inches of foam rubber. Sometimes ya gotta play wot hand ya dealt yourself. He coulda folded, he decided to 'stay in the hand.'

Now, if you were being ironic about the bike escaping 'injury,' and that's the way it reads, well, maybe someone got a lotta great parts when the rider sold the bike to pay medical bills. H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) does wonders for removing blood.
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What went up, Came Down........ This is like a picture at the instant Before Death.
Geeez, Miles. "The bike escaped unharmed".:whistlin:
Yup. That be my wish.
Seriously, we all are risk-takers, albeit to different degrees.
Some accidents/injuries are unavoidable or not our fault, this is bad karma or bad luck.
But the responsibility of reckless m.v. operation, such as motorcycle stunting, have to be born squarely on the shoulders of the driver or rider. Only they are to blame, and have to accept the consequences.
The tragic part is the burden placed on the taxpayers to provide medical care, sometimes for a lifetime.
I'll get off me soapbox, and back to my hockey game on the telly......
I think the 'responsible' stunter would wear maximum protection, almost like a hockey player. "Young and dumb" though can cloud one's good judgement on protection or activities and behavior. This guy looks like he's not particularly young, and he's definitely not using forethought to prepare for a painful endo. The one thing I could see out of this is he finds a lawyer and sues the track for his stupid behavior, and if I sat on that jury, my answer would be, "sorry, Charlie!"

People against motorcycling use the 'lifetime of healthcare' argument about our activity, but you usually won't find them doing the same argument against smokers or the morbidly-obese.
I knew a dam fool that tried a headstand on a Sportster, after much jolly juice. Fell twice before people of common sense talked him out of a third attempt. Sometimes you're better off being lucky than smart!
Fire-medic; People against motorcycling use the 'lifetime of healthcare' argument about our activity said:
Motorcyclists, smokers, morbidly-obese...... HEY MEDIC - I think youv'e mentioned the only groups that Donald Trump hasn't offended!
Let his campaign manager know about this! Let's see how much higher he can go in the polls!:biglaugh:
Yup. That be my wish.
Seriously, we all are risk-takers, albeit to different degrees.
Some accidents/injuries are unavoidable or not our fault, this is bad karma or bad luck.
But the responsibility of reckless m.v. operation, such as motorcycle stunting, have to be born squarely on the shoulders of the driver or rider. Only they are to blame, and have to accept the consequences.
The tragic part is the burden placed on the taxpayers to provide medical care, sometimes for a lifetime.
I'll get off me soapbox, and back to my hockey game on the telly......
I hear ya and agree on the burdens but my big sis is a motorcycle stuntwoman that does a lot of movie work. They don't pay much and medical is waived.