I wouldn't try this on the Max

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Shit, it's wide enough to drive a car on other then a few short areas. No sweat on about any bike.
The trail has two wheel tracks on it, the do drive cars on it.

A nice ride for sure, but not life threatening.

well, not life threatening if buddy stops looking off the trail and into the ravine while riding that is....
Wouldn't have been too bad if the camera had been mounted on the bike instead of the helmet. Every time he turned his head to look over the side, I got dizzy.
Definitely wanna stay out of v-boost!
No F_cking way.. There's enough shit out here trying to kill me.. I don't need to help it along.

Seriously, ain't no muthafuckin way I'm doin that shit.
My Generation X status ends at things that would give Tony Hawke the Hershey Squirts!

Actually, though, I do have the urge to set that video to the first half of a certain Arlo Guthrie song
It would be a really bad place to get target fixation, say....on that distant peak overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr theeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr <splat>
If a gust of wind sweeps a dude or two off the pillar and they plummet to a certain death, is there a ton of paperwork, extensive recovery effort for the bodies to be given a dignified proper burial before the spouses/children are handsomely compensated by the company for their terrible loss... or is it just a check box on the roll and a "NEXT" call. Someone has to jump back in the ol' pickup truck and head over to the Chinese Home Depot to pick up another load of undocumented workers. Roulette employment at it's finest.

I think China has a couple clicks under 400 people per square mi which is even worse than CA, its like the East coast! I doubt they will run out of people any time soon with overcrowding like that. Gotta hand it to those guys though, balls that clank! hats off.
I'm very content to watch the video but I wouldn't want to walk that much-less ride it! As I approach Social Security, I'm much-more interested in having the Millennials pay me to "be old" for as long as my body and mind hold-out.

That's probably what the trails into Yosemite looked like when John Muir first explored them, maybe not so even.


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