Is it just me

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I was enjoying this thread until politics popped up.
Well I certainly read your posts with interest, so please keep going. I suspect there is allot more to what you have already written.

My grandfather who died at 41 gave speeches at the BBC during WW2 about astronomy and possible life on other planets, we have been invited to listen to those tapes but not been yet. He was a previous version of Patrick Moore, no qualifications in the subject, just very interested. He passed that inquisitiveness to my Aunt, who in turn passed that to my only male cousin, who in turn eventually after many years of struggle became a well known science fiction writer.

I remember when I was about 7 my father gave me one of those circular Phillips star thingy’s, and over many years we both could not work it out 😂, don't think I could work it out now. But it certainly inspired me, and I think everyone’s point of view on that subject is worth reading, especially the people who stick their necks out to say what they have been possibly wanting to say for many years, but just not done it for allot of reasons.

So keep posting dude, I’m reading, it's already in my blood.
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I was enjoying this thread until politics popped up.
What you'll notice is that it's always the same people, and they're all Trump fans, that continuously bring politics into something.

But of course they'll instantly blame you for bringing politics into it whenever you retort. It happens every single time.
Man and I was thinking it was the other way around...

Who's could blame them for not hanging around with Pukin on one side and Biten on the other.

Oh yea! And Brandon's on his way to fix things........:rolleyes:

Those were the first two political statements brought in. Only one sort of person uses those ridiculous slang terms: Trump supporters.

And again, let's review what I said:

But of course they'll instantly blame you for bringing politics into it whenever you retort.

And here you are doing exactly that.

Just proves the point. Most Trump supporters are cowards that are too chicken shit to actually say what's on their minds and make a coherent argument. They stick to hidden little themes they pick up off of their private group chats and then spread them out all over the place because they think most people don't notice it and they secretly hope they get nothing but winks and nods in return.

Then of course, once you point out that they're wrong the vast majority of the time and you show you're not "one of them", they turn around and play the victim and accuse everybody else of being the ones that started the entire mess.

It happens every single time. And as I said before, here we go again.
Because the good folks of the United Kingdom are nowhere near as batshit crazy as most Americans are.
Perhaps; but we did have The Morons from Outer Space land here, right on the M1 motorway a few years back. We all may be as batshit crazy as each other. US, UK and inhabited planets! These guys started in the UK and one of them travelled to Florida.

Here is a review from a magazine about that film, quote:
'While many people expect that there is intelligent life out there, that visits Earth for mysterious reasons, Smith and Jones wondered about the distinct possibility that aliens may be just as stupid as we are down here.

Julian, Desmond, Sandra and Bernard are four very human aliens who are on a package holiday around the galaxy. Bernard is one of those annoying types you get on holidays, and soon Desmond, tired of his cheery optimism, sets off with the others leaving Bernard stranded in space. Desmond has forgotten that he doesn`t know how to drive though, and there is a pesky planet in the way, our planet. Soon there is a UFO crashing on the M1. The local news service is almost caught unawares, as everyone has gone to the pub. Fortunately mild-mannered Graham Sweetley is able to get a camera crew to the crash site, and he`s soon embroiled in first contact with intelligent life from beyond our world. The British government and US military are in a bit of a disagreement over the three aliens, especially when they turn out not to be the intelligent beings come to save the human race, but are idiots instead. Graham ends up trying to protect the aliens from the military and the media. Meanwhile, Bernard has hitchhiked his way from outer space to Florida, where he`s looking for intelligent life (Fat chance). He soon finds himself committed to a psychiatric hospital, where no one believes he`s an alien.'
Proof: ‘The Clangers’ - The beginning.

One of my favourite books of all time is ‘The Foundations of Astronomy’ and I’ve read it over many times, studied it as an extra for a year also. There is a chapter in it that basically says if you are a believer this section is relevant, if not then it will mean very little.

I was very lucky back 20 years when I was studying this stuff, also we have two observatories beside us. We went on a trip to Arizona and by chance found myself in the back of a truck looking up at the sky all night, I later found out that it is one of the best spots in the world for star gazing. Would like to have went back with a telescope, but never got around to it, but what an incredible sight it was. That view left me feeling very insignificant for a long time.

Don't really consider myself a star gazer but I'll never forget the unexpected shock I had when I caught a nice glimpse of the cosmos. Late night, clear sky. I laid back on top of a helicopter that was parked on a blacked-out amphibious assault carrier which was in the middle of the Atlantic. My eyes were still good back then too LOL. What a sight. I'm sure others have had s similar experience.
Anyway; lets get back to the planet Zoink.

Here is a question: Why in the UK do we not get as many alien visitors as the US?
They want to see the Circus. It's interesting to them how some people debate an issue by cussing and name calling. I guess to those people (SHEEP) it helps cover up their parties wrong doings.
Anyway; lets get back to the planet Zoink.

Here is a question: Why in the UK do we not get as many alien visitors as the US?
Some of the most amazing Encounters have been in the UK,,as an example the Rendalsham Forest , Bentworth AF Base very close encounters and examination of the nuclear weapons storage site by the "visitors".
Greetings carbon unit fellow earthlings 🌎, and all other visitors 🛸of various origin 👾 👽

I was at a bikers night out on Saturday, plenty of 🍺, rock music 🎸 and polite bikers, as it usually is. So very inactive during Sunday.

Have any of you guys ever looked at the moon through a good telescope, where you can see the rising of the edge of craters, its an incredible experience. The first time I seen this sight I stared at the moon for many hours. Also went to an observatory to see Mars through a giant telescope. If you have not experienced these views then you could be missing out.