Ontario Chapter 507 ride

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
Milton, Ontario Canada

First off I want to thank Buster for creating a Ontario Chapter section to this forum. My intent is to bring over the gents from my Yahoo message board and others and use this site for our communications.

Now on to the ride update. On July 26th we will be having our 507 Ride. For those of you not familiar the 507 is one of Ontario's best destinations for aggressive riding. It is a 40km (25 mile) twisty, nasty, and fun road that is located in central Ontario. We will be meeting at HB Cycle in Lindsay, Ontario that morning and hopefully we will have a special surprise waiting for us.

The owners of HB Cycle have asked, and received a tentative yes, Yamaha to bring a 2009 VMax to the ride for members to view. According to HB Cycle we will be able to sit on it, ask questions of the Yamaha Rep, and get our first upclose and personal viewing. One of the previsions that Yamaha has put on this is that they want to know how many Vmax owners are planning on attending. Should we not get enough response they will not show up. Now having said this, this is not absolute either as Yamaha has only tentatively agreed to show up. If we show enough support for this I can't see them no doing this for us.

For more information please feel free to contact me at any time.
Well, I'm in on this ride! And I will sacrifice my time and energy and volunteer to ride that 09 VMax on the 507! :whistlin::banana::biglaugh:
You can be right behind me in line, heck I will let you take my Max through:biglaugh: while I get on the new one. I sent an email to Costa Mouzouris with Cycle Canada volunteering to do the testing and article for them.... no response LOL. My local dealer is working a deal for me on a new Max should I want one. The sales person, a personal friend:eusa_dance:, told me that the owners were considering taking a loss on mine just to get one sold through their dealership. Apparently there will only be 50 available to all of Canada!! This is why it does help to support your local dealer!! They will make money on the inevitable customizing that I will do if this goes through. Sounds like they may even be willing to buy my bike for a hefty sum of cash to put down on the new one... fingers, toes, etc. crossed here:peace out bike:
You can be right behind me in line, heck I will let you take my Max through:biglaugh: while I get on the new one. I sent an email to Costa Mouzouris with Cycle Canada volunteering to do the testing and article for them.... no response LOL. My local dealer is working a deal for me on a new Max should I want one. The sales person, a personal friend:eusa_dance:, told me that the owners were considering taking a loss on mine just to get one sold through their dealership. Apparently there will only be 50 available to all of Canada!! This is why it does help to support your local dealer!! They will make money on the inevitable customizing that I will do if this goes through. Sounds like they may even be willing to buy my bike for a hefty sum of cash to put down on the new one... fingers, toes, etc. crossed here:peace out bike:
Wow, that would be cool! It say's a lot about maintaining a strong relationship with your dealer, but it helps if he is also your friend too. :biglaugh:
I would like to try that ride too. I will check to see if it can work for my schedule.
Wow, that would be cool! It say's a lot about maintaining a strong relationship with your dealer, but it helps if he is also your friend too. :biglaugh:
I would like to try that ride too. I will check to see if it can work for my schedule.

If it looks like you can make it down, gonna be a long ride to get there as it is 3-4 hrs from my house, let me know and I will look at getting you a place to crash so you don't have to pay for a hotel. You can crash at my place on the way home if you need to.
If it looks like you can make it down, gonna be a long ride to get there as it is 3-4 hrs from my house, let me know and I will look at getting you a place to crash so you don't have to pay for a hotel. You can crash at my place on the way home if you need to.
So I'm working on my coworkers ATM to swap oncall duties, in the mean time, let me get some more details as to the ride.
Where would I meet you on Sat. if I was coming across from Port Huron? What time? Would we stay overnight near the 507 ride?
It looks like I'm would have to take a Monday and Friday off if we stay near the 507 location. Probably would do that anyway just to not to have to be in a hurry to get there or get back. I have relatives in Flint and also in the Port Huron area so that would work for the trip down and the trip back too.
Let me know what you think Jim.
For anyone who is planning on attending here is the time/place we are meeting at:

Meeting at HB Cycle in Lindsay, On
Time: 9am

We will hang out there for a while and have a coffee and doughnuts, just what we need before we head out. From there will be a quick jaunt up to Buckhorn, On and the lower end of the 507. The ride on the 507 is a "free for all" due to the nature of the road. If you are planning on attending please remember to ride within your and your bikes limits. This road can be quite nasty in sections and there is usually traffic so use caution. In the immortal words of the organizer "This aint no square tire ride!". For more information or if you need a place to crash (we have Vmaxxers who are willing to house folks if needed) please let me know by PM, email, or post here.
Hey Jim, sounds like it will be a great time, I wish all going the best of weather and a troublefree ride.

Just got back from the ride and it was a great time. Thanks to HB Cycle for a starting point with coffee and donuts AND having the 09 VMax there for us to check out! :punk: (Check out my post in the New Gen section). And thanks to Peterborough Powersports for the BBQ lunch and free Tshirts at the end of our ride! :clapping: We modified the ride a bit and made it a bit shorter as the periods of rain delayed us a few times. There was a turn out of 15 riders. I've got a photo album of the bike that showed up here: http://www.vmaxforum.net/album.php?albumid=56