Overflowing carb

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2008
Reaction score
new york
Ok , i going crazy with this, amybe some one else has an idea, i have 1 carb that seems to occassionally over flow through the bowl vent usually after i have romped on the bike hard for a minute or 2, raw fuel comes pumping out the hole on the top of the carb, making the bike rin like shit. I have disassebled it and cleaned it, done the shotgun on it, checked the float levels as per the forum, it will run fine for 1/2 hr then bang the same carb again. I assume its a piece of dirt in the float, but wtf i have new filter, cleaned them , seafoam --now im at a lossfer any help would be appreciated !
Did you check the needle valve and seat? You also need to make sure the float tang is seated in the needle valve wire.