So. Florida flooding

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
Yesterday a front dropped 10" of rain suddenly (the weather service said 17" in 24 hours, which matches the other worst storm I recall) and the area had massive flooding. The neighborhood was filled with water from the front of one house across the front yards and the street to the house on the other side of the street and for blocks in either direction. In 43 years at the same location I have never seen flooding that bad. Thank God it wasn't a hurricane because we would have had water inside the house. Of course you have idiot axxhoes who think it's cool to drive 4x4s through the water and then that pushes water into the houses from the wake they put up. In the past I've seen kids with jon boats, canoes and even jet skis in the more flooded areas. There is a golf course at the end of the street and that thing looks like a series of interconnected lakes very little green showing.

Areas north of us in Broward County got it worse.
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Thats why I never regretted my decision to move to the desert. Being from NY originally....floods, rain, snow and just the plain old damp and humid air made me call it quits. Stay dry in the mean time.