Fork lock

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Active Member
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
North Dakota
Alright, this is probably a retarded question but it's something thats bothered me since I got the bike but I never bothered to ask someone. Is there a way to lock the forks with the handlebars turned towards the footpeg instead of away? It feels like it will tip over if I lock them with it turned out.
Yeah, thats what I was afraid of. I was hoping I was just overlooking something simple. Do you guys ever use your fork lock then? Mine really feels like it could fall over easily with the bars turned that way.
Yeah, thats what I was afraid of. I was hoping I was just overlooking something simple. Do you guys ever use your fork lock then? Mine really feels like it could fall over easily with the bars turned that way.

The max in stock form won't fall over - but if lowered front and/or back, than it can fall over - would need a shorter side kickstand to compensate.

If it's lowered it absolutely will fall over sooner or later :tantrum:
Do you guys ever use your fork lock then?

I only use mine when out in public and I know I'll be away from the bike for a while. I locked it at the Atlanta Bike Show. No, it's not going to stop someone from stealing it, but it's a hell of a lot harder to manhandle a locked up 630 lb. gorilla than it is to simply roll it onto a trailor, so I think it's worth using in places like that.

At home, I don't bother. It's locked up in the right side garage. My BMW sits outside. It's become the stepchild of the driveway. :biglaugh:

I use the fork lock all the time. Mostly on the center stand since the bike is least likely to top over. If on side stand I put the bike in gear.
I use my fork lock all the time. Plus I use a disc lock on the front wheel. And if I find one that will fit the back disc, I'll use that too.
Yeah sure, I don't have tons of money into my Max, and it's not the prettiest, but it's my Baby and I'm going to make any thief work damn hard if they want it.
I've never had it just fall over from the forks being turned that way.
But it did get blown over in a storm once while sitting in the driveway. So maybe having the forks turned that way did contribute.
You park you Max outside at home overnight, Cowboy?

SACRILIGE! :biglaugh:

Hell...mine gets its' own seat at the dinner table. :biglaugh:

Just kidding on that one. But I did park it in my dining room the first week I had it. I was doing some work on the Bimmer and the garage was packed and I didn't want to keep it in the basement.

Yep. I love my Max. :biglaugh:

center stand makes perfect sense. I am an idiot haha. Thats what I'll do, thanks.
You park you Max outside at home overnight, Cowboy?

SACRILIGE! :biglaugh:

Hell...mine gets its' own seat at the dinner table. :biglaugh:

Just kidding on that one. But I did park it in my dining room the first week I had it. I was doing some work on the Bimmer and the garage was packed and I didn't want to keep it in the basement.

Yep. I love my Max. :biglaugh:


Tom, now that's true love - and there's nothing wrong with that.

As far as the fork lock, I only use it when I'm not too far way or not gone for long from the bike. I carry a hardened chain and heavy duty lock and the max gets tied to a large objet (ie: tree, post, etc...) when it has to sit somewhere for a while. It goes in a tool pouch and goes everywhere with me. Better safe then sorry.

If you are so on to locking the handlebars to the left just drill a hole similiar to the factory did but on the other side of the lower triple tree. Its a simple design turn key, drops a pin into a hole.

When I first bought my bike I used to use it along with a padlock through the rear rotor.
I than asked myself "If someone wants this bike they are going to steal it"
Locks keep honest people out.
Trust me if they want your VMAX that dinky ass steering lock isnt going to do anything, I am sure if you turn the handlebars with some serious force it will snap something.

Is it really worth taking the chance of your bike falling over?

Thats why we have full coverage insurance.
If you are so on to locking the handlebars to the left just drill a hole similiar to the factory did but on the other side of the lower triple tree. Its a simple design turn key, drops a pin into a hole.

When I first bought my bike I used to use it along with a padlock through the rear rotor.
I than asked myself "If someone wants this bike they are going to steal it"
Locks keep honest people out.
Trust me if they want your VMAX that dinky ass steering lock isnt going to do anything, I am sure if you turn the handlebars with some serious force it will snap something.

Is it really worth taking the chance of your bike falling over?

Thats why we have full coverage insurance.

Agreed, I don't bother with it.
You park you Max outside at home overnight, Cowboy?

SACRILIGE! :biglaugh:

Hell...mine gets its' own seat at the dinner table. :biglaugh:

Just kidding on that one. But I did park it in my dining room the first week I had it. I was doing some work on the Bimmer and the garage was packed and I didn't want to keep it in the basement.

Yep. I love my Max. :biglaugh:


Yeah I know... I hate it. But where I live now I don't have a garage or carport. So I have to cover it every night. I ride it just about everyday to work so putting it in the shed is too much of a hassle. When I'm not riding it for extended periods of time, it goes in the shed. But other than that is gets parked in the driveway with my bike cover over it.
We are planning on building a carport/garage one day, so that will be a great day!
Well, if you ever get down this way, we'll hook your Max up at the dinner table with mine and the wife and kid and give it it's own booster seat and a nice, warm bowl of Yamalube 20/40.

It helps them sleep better. :biglaugh:
