The brushed finish on my gloss black valve covers has had the clear lift and it looks like powder under it. If I take the lifted clear up what would I use to get the brushed finish again and what would I recoat it with? Thanks
My (lazy painter) technique(cars, not engines):The brushed finish on my gloss black valve covers has had the clear lift and it looks like powder under it. If I take the lifted clear up what would I use to get the brushed finish again and what would I recoat it with? Thanks
I usually just sand it off depending on how bad it us you can start with 320 and work your way up to about 800 and polish it with mothers or wenol once you get it polished it is not that hard to keep up with. I do not recoat them with anything.The brushed finish on my gloss black valve covers has had the clear lift and it looks like powder under it. If I take the lifted clear up what would I use to get the brushed finish again and what would I recoat it with? Thanks