Vote Democrat???

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One thing for certain, NEITHER ONE is getting my vote:biglaugh:

LOL, I hope not, although I can point you to a couple of states that WONT check your citizenship, so you can if you want.

The thing that hasnt really been brought up. Trump become the Repub candidate is DUE to Obama. People are so pissed off at things swinging so far to the left, that they are looking for a FAR right leaning candidate to balance things out.

It all comes down to physics. For every action (Obama) there is an equal and OPPOSITE (Trump) reaction.
LOL, I hope not, although I can point you to a couple of states that WONT check your citizenship, so you can if you want.

The thing that hasnt really been brought up. Trump become the Repub candidate is DUE to Obama. People are so pissed off at things swinging so far to the left, that they are looking for a FAR right leaning candidate to balance things out.

It all comes down to physics. For every action (Obama) there is an equal and OPPOSITE (Trump) reaction.

It's a shame that these are our only mainstream choices. Some middle ground would be fantastic but if we have to choose maybe extreme right is better to counter 8 years of the Obama administration. I still cant believe that this is where we are. Imagine what other civilized countries must think of us.
It's a shame that these are our only mainstream choices. Some middle ground would be fantastic but if we have to choose maybe extreme right is better to counter 8 years of the Obama administration. I still cant believe that this is where we are. Imagine what other civilized countries must think of us.
Politics is like driving a car. If you have someone turning the wheel to a hard left lock then the only way to counteract the direction of the car is to countersteer and turn to a hard right lock.

Bringing the steering wheel back to centerline will not get the car back on course it will remain left off course and put you into a ditch or the wall....alas the rise of Trump.
I'm surprised, given his disrespect for John McCain ("not a hero") and his latest debacle, involving the Gold Star parents.

HOW on earth did a nation of nearly 400 million chose these two sorry-ass candidates to represent the Reps and Dems, with one to be elected to the most powerful job in the world?
One thing for certain, NEITHER ONE is getting my vote:biglaugh:

Agreed, Trump's Campaign would be much better off if his mouth stayed shut a lot more. Hillary has almost 40 years of actions and lies that are bad for her Campaign. So I guess I'm supporting what I feel is the better of the Worst.

As far as John McCain, he is a Hero in one sense but there are other dealings which give me a tainted view of him. I would have attacked him on them rather than his Military Record.
