Lack of idle in 1 carb

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Mar 30, 2006
Reaction score
Gretna, NE
I'm having idle problems with my #3 carb. I get a random idle if I completely open the mixture screw. Everywhere else, no idle. Every other circuit is fine though. I can accelerate fine everywhere's just steady cruise or small throttle below 4000 rpms. Before, I had the screw set to about 4.5 to 5 turns before the cylinder idle

I've replaced the sparkplug, checked ignition and it's firing perfectly, compression is about 180 psi. I did the shotgun and that didn't help at all. Float level is spot on.

I'm going to check the enrichening plunger, maybe it's stuck open. Other than that, going to break open float bowl and remove jet block. Could be plugged pilot fuel jet. Maybe a piece of gasket is blocking one of those holes.

Any other ideas or advice? :damn angry:

Mark, I had a similar problem with one of my cylinders where it was only running on three. I too tried the shotgun and it didn't help. Wound up running the bike and sprayed carb/choke cleaner into the carbs and after spraying all the carbs three times to where the engine would almost stop, it cleared it up completely. Don't ask me how or why, but it worked for me. It's worth a try before tearing into things.
Mike, thanks. I ended up taking that carb off the rack. I Went through everything. Took off the jet block and removed the PFJ. It was clean and clear. I cleaned every one of those little jets inside the bowl. I cleaned the coasting enrichener plunger, found that the little diaphragm had a tiny pin hole so I put some permatex black on that.

Paul just called. Told me to loosen all the chokes from the linksage except the problem carb. Then, open the choke. Poor some seafoam using straw into the choke vent on top of the carb and then rev up the bike a bit. That should clean up that entire idle passageway. I'll let you all know how it works out.
Mark,Why did he want you to mess with loosening carb linkages?Couldn't you do it while they are all still working?
Because, when I push the choke lever down he only wanted the one choke to open. Not all four.
I saw him does this to chromies bike on sunday but I was working on my drag bike at the time.I did hear and see the results when he was done.It was purring like a kitten and roaring like a lion.Stage 7 needs cleaned out quit often.Jim puts his around all the time.
Shawn, it sounds like Jim should have kept the carbs stock. Otherwise, lean out the mixture screws and/or replace PAJ1 with a Mikuni 100?
I tried suggesting 180 or 170 mk paj2's But he didn't want to hear it.

Its nice and cool and dry here right now.Mine was running great this morning on the way to work.I felt like punching in then going back out to play!
Shawn, I hear ya! I went "out" for lunch myself. :)
Nothing like blowing the doors of Civics and Camaro's.
I really like blowing by these kids on their 600 sportbikes that think that they are the baddest thing on the planet.
Shawn, I'm wondering how long that's going to happen. 600's seem to be getting a bit lighter every year and a few more ponies.

BTW, the direct injection of Seafoam worked like a charm. Goodbye shotgun!
Nearly every 600cc sportbike I have raced at Houston Raceway Park in the last year will blow by me in the last 200-400 feet of the 1/4 mile.
on the street it's a different story since a street race rarely makes it a 1/4 mile...
It's fun then to surprise the hell out of them when they look over and think "another" V-twin is wanting to's rare any of these guys has ever even seen a V-max or knows what it is...
Not too many of the punk kids around here can afford a new 600 or the insurance.They think any old sportbike is badass.