Obama wants to help Syria

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2006
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Romeo, Michigan
Too funny... I am here in Afghanistan... We just hit with what was called a Pre-retaliatory (oxymoron) strike IDF attack... injured 4 soldiers... all over our future involvement with Syria....
Hey SFCMcgan stay safe brother. I got back in April from a 8 months over there and was hoping the pullout was going to move quicker than it has. I'm in Guam and 2 of our Guard brothers just paid the ultimate price so things are definitely still rough. Been tracking the Syria thing and I hope we don't get involved. Again brother, keep your head down and your six covered.
I had a long post, but realized it was pointless. In short. That meme was spot on. Our country is FUBAR'd.

You fellas stay safe.

USAF Veteran
Yeah Dave, like he said, keep your 6 covered til you get home, then you can jump on your Max and enjoy your 12. When are you due to come home? We are back from our trip through your area last month, some beautiful country up that way. Hwy 20 across the Cascades is spectacular.
The only thing Obama is going to help with is Obama and his buddies.Dosen't care about anything else.
"That's Detroit? Never mind."

I call horsechit on that right there! Postermaker is simply trying to stir up trouble. I'm pretty sure that's Chicago depicted.
One of the pictures is the old Packard Building down town. I can't vouch for the others. But also looks like the inside of the Packard building as well. But its been 20 years since I ve been inside it.
"That's Detroit? Never mind."

I call horsechit on that right there! Postermaker is simply trying to stir up trouble. I'm pretty sure that's Chicago depicted.

Could just as easily be St. Louis or some other choice cities here in the US. Any major metropolis with a high concentration of liberals has areas like this... The correlation is hard to ignore.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4

Huge earthquake & ensuing fire destroy all of Kansas City one day. Commander in thief, Obama, never missing a good PR opportunity, boards his Helo One immediately and gives orders to take him to KC pronto. He kicks back in his recliner to nap on the way and awakens during a bumpy portion of the ride, looks out the window at all the destruction and total mayhem below. He can't believe the magnitude of the destruction he's witnessing from his helo window, and says through the intercom to the pilot to land him immediately - he simply must do a PR press conference down there in the middle of all that destruction.

The Helo One pilot radios back to Obama: "but Sir, you've only been asleep for 3 minutes. We aren't out of DC yet."

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