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Amen brutha. Maybe we can all donate and share.
I bet its not very fast since it can do 1/8 mile burnouts. Sounds kind of boring to ride since they didnt mention any high speed wobbles. If a bike doesnt wobble and shake where is the excitement :confused2:
I bet its not very fast since it can do 1/8 mile burnouts. Sounds kind of boring to ride since they didnt mention any high speed wobbles. If a bike doesnt wobble and shake where is the excitement :confused2:

LMAO!! I hear ya there, although I'm keeping my old Max just for thost reasons!:biglaugh: Still waiting to hear when mine will be delivered!:confused2:
As Oliver has been Yamaha's mouthpiece for a loooooooong time (ever wonder how he seemed to have info on the new Max way before anyone else?) it is no wonder that they let him have a test ride. Sounds like the bike may just be what Yamaha is advertising.
I think that write up is what we have all been waiting for.... I hope the new Max exceeds everyones expectations....
It has now exceeded my expectations based on this write up. I can't wait to try it out for myself!!:biglaugh:
Hope it isn't just hype from a guy on the payroll.....
I'd have to think Oliver was a bit excited, but wouldn't we all be if we could have been in his shoes? I'd really like to know about the config of the bikes provided. Were they configured as the stock US bikes will be? There's a LOT of monkey business than can go on with ECUs to pump up performance.

I want to read more of his impressions, as well as see his video. And, I'll be especially interested when the real off the showroom floor tests start coming in.
if you look thru the forum responces there is a short video of one by another mag writer-very cool:clapping: power slides out of corner laying black marks:punk: awsome!!!
if you look thru the forum responces there is a short video of one by another mag writer-very cool:clapping: power slides out of corner laying black marks:punk: awsome!!!

Post it here so we can see it! :punk:
At least you'll be able to ride yours right away being you're in Florida, by the time I get mine I'll have to wait until the snow melts!!:damn angry:
sounds much better on this video i think. except the microphone seemed to have a of of static sometimes:ummm: i think we will all be pleasantly suprised when we get to see and ride one:eusa_dance: by the way did anyone else here the pegs scrape 2 or 3 times?
Was the guy in the back a poor rider or does this thing still handle like a pig in the corners? He was all over the place in turns.
Anyone want to buy a house? Somebody please! Wow, that is way cool, I would consider moving back down south just so I could ride it year around!:punk:

Awwww Yyyeeeeaahhh! 600 posts! :thumbs up: