Power Loss

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Lew L

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2006
Reaction score
Forest above Reno, Nv. USA
Good morning guys,

Had a power loss last week. Turned on the fan switch and it broke!!! So I road home with the fan on. Can't imagine that caused the loss.Felt like it 's not getting full throttle but the butterflies open all the way. Also had a hard starting episode yesterday ( usually startsvery easy).
So the switch is replaced along with new spark plugs ( they were not fouled but insulaters were light). V-boost make noise and seems to work as speed ---just not as strong , no oil light upon hitting in in lower gears.

I checked the diaphrams--no holes and all seated perfect. I used a little ( very little) high vacume grease on the edges and buttoned it all up.

I'll test later today but any ideas???

Compression test & leakdown test. Harbor Freight has what you need & the tool pays for itself w/your 1st correct diagnosis compared to a visit to the dealership.

Hope it isn't a spun bearing or bad rod. Start w/the basics.
Lew, check your vboost adjustment. I just pulled my carbs because I knew my ride wasn't making 100% capability. The adjustment screw had backed out and the butterfly's were't opening more than 25%. That wouldn't effect starting, but just wanted everyone to be aware, it's something to check. There is an adjustment/spec in the manual to set full boost.
So, what the hell. I might as throw my stage 7 carbs on for a bit. See if I like them. Maybe try a Morley lid if my mid range suffers too much.
Thanks for the replys gents.

Battery is good. 13.16 volts not running and lights/horn are strong. Will do a peashooter now as its never been done but the bike has never needed it. This power loss seemed to happen just last week. It had been running great. Now to look up the pea shooter.

Thanks, Lew
Thanks for the replys gents.

Battery is good. 13.16 volts not running and lights/horn are strong. Will do a peashooter now as its never been done but the bike has never needed it. This power loss seemed to happen just last week. It had been running great. Now to look up the pea shooter.

Thanks, Lew
Look here for Peashooter Guide in .pdf format:
And here's a Video:
Did the shooter, and cliped 1/4" off the plug wires. I didnt ride but when I started the bike it was the Max of old. Started at first touch and reved up quickly.
Of course, now I want to know what caused the problem in the first place??

Thanks again, Lew
I got a chance to tke the bike out ( I've had cateract surgery yesterday) and it ran super-----for a while. then it got 'fluffly" again with the same kind of power loss.
I opened up the air box when I got home and found one of the vacuume slides stuck OPEN. I took it out, checked the bore and slide movement---- all good. Put a little lube on the slide and assembled , also checked for smooth operation again. But It will be a few days befor I can ride again , BUT----
What would cause a slide to stick fully open??

If you are using oil or grease as lube it will eventually get gummy, I always use silicone spray to lube slides.........
Thanks for the quick reply Alorio,

I use a PTFE ( Teflon) spray lube. But to be honest I have no idea what I use to lube the slides years ago.

Thanks, Lew
Thanks Mike,
Trust me the springs are there and the needle was in full view when it was stuck open. If this happpens again i'll really clean the slides and bores.

Hi all,
After the pea shooter, spark plugs, air box inspection and cleaning------and loostening a stuck slide------ the bike runs great. So I don't know what caused the power loss but it's BACK.

Thanks, Lew
Hi all,
After the pea shooter, spark plugs, air box inspection and cleaning------and loostening a stuck slide------ the bike runs great. So I don't know what caused the power loss but it's BACK.

Thanks, Lew

Another victory over gremlins by The Forum! :punk:

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