The Criminal Arrogance Of Hillary Clinton

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This is what happens when people are above the law, and forget that they work for the American people.

She is was and always will be a liar and an embarrassment to this country....
Here's my 2 cents...instead of coming up with these and more examples of wrong doing and just plain unlawful about we do something about them ? These people will not be policing themselves so what do we do ? Is there a petition we can sign ? A website we can go to ? We KNOW writing or contacting our representatives and politicians will do no good WHAT do we do ? :confused2:
We The People, will have our time.............. When Big Brother no longer has the ability to spy on our every move or squash our every attempt to get back to what our founding fathers wrote. The Constitution of The United States...
Best line ever out of V for Vendetta. "People should not fear their government. Government should fear its people."
Best line ever out of V for Vendetta. "People should not fear their government. Government should fear its people."

Part of the issue is that the government DOES fear the People of this Nation, but we have grown complacent, and allowed the government to take steps to attempt to ensure that they no longer have any need to fear us. They willfully do everything within their power to erode not only our Rights as per proclaimed in the U.S. Constitution, but to also erode our strength and free will as a People, so when all our rights have finally been removed from us, we will have neither the means, nor the will, to stand up and take back the power which our government has stolen from us.

And it will be all our own fault, for it is US, the supposedly free people of the United States, that are allowing this to happen.
Very true to bad there are so many blind people out there though. I know plenty of people that just vote democrat or republican that know nothing all they know is some one ( usually there parents) told them one was good at one time or another & they have no clue what is going on in the world. There will be people vote for her because she is the first women to run kind of like they did with Obummer
And no doubt she will, if/when they can be "professionally" scrubbed clean. That, or after she has her techs remove the guts from it and onto a burn pile somewhere else.

+1 ya know already how this will play out. We have a few people that are ready to stand up but are quickly put down. I guarantee you this guy will be under some type of investigation to make this go away.....anyone heard anything about Eric Snowden lately? hmmm:ummm:

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