4 acre spider web. WFT?

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Can't understand the aversion to spiders on this website (no pun intended.)
The majority of the little critters are harmless to humans, and very useful in that they feed on other less-desirable insects.
Is it the way they look?? Granted, they aren't puppy dogs or panda bears, but be assured that every one of these "revolting" creatures has had a mother that loved it unconditionally, regardless of looks.
Guess I'm trying to say that "spiders are people too" - if you can't luv 'em, at least show them some respect!
Thats pretty badass! Id probably have fun tossing progressively heavier items into it to see what it could hold, lol.
Can't understand the aversion to spiders on this website (no pun intended.)
every one of these "revolting" creatures has had a mother that loved it unconditionally,

. . . except for the ones who habitually eat many of their new-born . . .
Hey Jim....here is an interesting fact for you....on average there is 130.8 spiders per square meter.


In a classic and seminal paper by Turnbull (1973) (all Arachnologists should read that paper!) there are a series of estimates of spider densities in a range of habitats – and these are estimates for all spiders, not just a single family. The lowest estimate he provides is from work in a Polish meadow where densities of 0.64 spiders per square metre were reported. The highest density was 842 spiders per square metre in an English pasture. Turnbull averaged all previous published estimates and ended with a mean of 130.8 spiders per square meter. Turnbull does point that it is kind of a meaningless statistic, except that it helps us tackle the question of interest: Is there always a spider within three feet of you…?

So…. in most “natural” habitats, I think it is true that you are always within three feet of a spider.
Can't understand the aversion to spiders on this website (no pun intended.)
The majority of the little critters are harmless to humans, and very useful in that they feed on other less-desirable insects.
Is it the way they look?? Granted, they aren't puppy dogs or panda bears, but be assured that every one of these "revolting" creatures has had a mother that loved it unconditionally, regardless of looks.
Guess I'm trying to say that "spiders are people too" - if you can't luv 'em, at least show them some respect!

So, I'm hoping your house doesn't resemble the factory pics in that thread Miles.

Out of respect, and so as NOT to show any impartiality, I spray each and every spider I come across in my home with the same can of spider killer. Then I vacuum them up and dispose of them in a proper burial container - with the rest of the trash.

...So…. in most “natural” habitats, I think it is true that you are always within three feet of a spider.

Eric, what's with this 3 feet business - I only have two feet to work with, and I put both of them to good use - by heading quickly, and decisively, toward the cupboard containing the spider spray whenever I see one of the little buggers. :biglaugh:
When I see them in my home, I deposit them outside if I can catch them. A piece of paper slid underneath them works pretty-well.

Not many people saw this but the original King Kong when the log across the ravine is thrown into it w/the sailors on it, there is a spider at the bottom who eats them. It was removed when too-many viewers said it was too-disturbing.
So, I'm hoping your house doesn't resemble the factory pics in that thread Miles.

Out of respect, and so as NOT to show any impartiality, I spray each and every spider I come across in my home with the same can of spider killer. Then I vacuum them up and dispose of them in a proper burial container - with the rest of the trash.
Of all the humanities! My heart is bleeding, Jim!
No, our house is not like the warehouse, but spiders are free to inhabit most every ceiling/wall joint in the house-except the dining room. They kind of upset dinner guests (go figure??)
I find their little web creations fascinating. Most often they contain half-digested houseflies or mosquitos. Nature at work, protecting the Master Race.
Long-term spider residents are given names, loved, and off-limits to the usual aggression of the "Unpredictables" (any woman) Sometimes a compromise has to be reached - a resident with a unusually large web, in a obvious place, is scooped up and put out on our back deck. With my best wishes, and and invitation to return anytime.
Peace&Love, Miles
Black fuzzy spiders (aka fly catchers) are always welcome in my house. Spiders that are inherently dangerous...Black widows, or Brown recluse, are always dealt with.
It's not a closely guarded secret that I'm not a big fan of them....any of them! I'll deal with the flies in my own way!!

I'm thinking perhaps an incendiary device for the 3 acre web crawlers is just what the Dr ordered!! :punk: :flamethrower: :wave bye:
I actually respect what spiders do, but they still freak me out. It's irrational... I don't deny it.


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No chit - I was standing near our kitchen sink Yesterday morning thinking about tidying up some breakfast dishes, when, out of the corner of my eye, I see a FORKIN BLACK FUZZY repelling down and onto the flippin' countertop right next to me. Little bastid didn't miss landing on my head by more than a foot, foot and a half! I don't think I screamed - aloud that is, but my heart sure sped up when I first say it. Don't exactly know how he got way up there on the tall ceiling, nor why he'd choose right then to get on the counter top next to me, but suffice it to say - squirt, squirt, squirt went the spidy spray. After he slowed down, he got wrapped in a paper towel and eventually taken out with the rest of the trash.