Yes I am ok with those salaries. I am a believer in the free market, wages/salaries included. These companies don't pay that kind of money to their execs just to be nice, any more than they give you or I a raise to be nice, they do it to get and keep good talent. The same decision making process they go through in deciding what you and I are worth applies to the highest levels of a company.
Those guys typically have a couple of expensive degrees, 6-8 years college, work 50-70 hour weeks and are available 24/7 for their companies needs.
While you and I were screwing around in college or high school or early in our careers looking forward to the end of the day or the coming of the weekend they were buckled down learning what they needed to get where they are. I have the pleasure of knowing a lot of men like this and for the most part their job IS their life.
Every man is worth what the market will bear. If your easily replaceable well then your market worth just isn't that great. If you make yourself invaluable then you are.
They don't leave their work in the workplace at the end of the day, it goes home with them along with all the worries and anxieties of so much responsibility. Most of them live and breath their work because they actually enjoy it.
The things they do can make or break a company, and their decisions can have a huge impact on the destiny of a company, way beyond if you or I "screw something up" one day.
Their decisions have lasting impact on many people and the responsibility they carry is so for far beyond what we do its not even funny.
I hope some one doesn't decide one day that I make too much money, even though I have almost no life, dedicate myself to the company, never say no, and am willing to travel 9 months out the year and they see what I make and decide that it's too much even though they could give a **** when five o'clock comes about what happens after that. I just happen to be in a market that is severely short of good talent. I could have put just as much effort into a different skill set that's not in demand or is flooded with talent and be making half as much.
Free market at work here.
I guess I think a little different than many because even though I came from a Union family, that family was in Business, not employees of another. I saw personally what it takes to do that, and how much of a person it uses up, and how little it leaves for their home life.
At the end of the day it's what you make of it. Guys who don't give a **** about their companies well being are like the plague and the death of a company, whether they're in an executive suite or out on the floor.
I AM NOT Defending this hostess situation, or dirty rotten execs of any sort. Just like crappy employees there are crappy execs and managers willing to ride a good horse into the ground.
I full well realize that there are turds of many colors out there in all levels of the economy. Things I say, good and bad, don't apply to everyone and I'm not painting them all with the same brush.
The ****** ones get weeded out eventually, its just a fact that sometimes they do a lot of damage before its contained.
BIG GIANT EDIT-----------------------------
After typing all this I then realized that it was a list of Union Bosses, I though it was a list of Hostess execs. ..........
Everything I said still applies tho, these guys work for the union members, its between then and their members. They have elections right????
If their just there to get rich on the backs of workers then they're ********, because a union IS NOT A BUSINESS.
It should be an altruistic endeavor, which a business is most certainly not nor should it be.
If it can't be checked or fixed then its just a dirty deal that's " part of being union"
Ever read "Animal Farm" ?
It has a direct correlation to the self inflicted pain a bad union can bring upon their members.....