getting low on COP harnesses!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
hey guys, I am getting low on harnesses again! If I do another run I will be switching suppliers again for the resistors. I am looking for someone that actually has "better service" seams like that is a rare quality these days. This supplier is telling me 8 weeks out for the resistors Yuck! Any ways, I am not sure how soon I will be ordering anymore. Just all depends on Demand. I don't want $ 700+ of resistors sitting if you know what I mean...

Thanks Gannon
If they are quoting 8 weeks delivery they most likely order in bulk and ship in, find out where they are shipping from and deal directly with OEM?
For sure it will either be in S,pore, China or Korea.
Its that hard for you to buy resistors? Radio Shack doesnt stock em?
no I am now buying direct from the manufacturer. They are the ones quoting me that long. Guess what! They are made in the USA. I could buy from another national supplier like Radio Shack like you say. But the resistors will be about twice as big or even bigger.
Gannon , at least their TELLING you 8 weeks out, not telling you 1 week and it ends up 3:bang head::bang head::bang head:.