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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Ever have on of these days?
Saturady morning and the birds are chirping.
UPS delivers your parts Friday afternoon just in time for a quick weekend project and a nice ride in the sun.
Then all hell bakes loose.
Right front fork cap (The one with the isr nozzle on the inside is tightened so damn tight at the factory that you strip the nut head to a perfectly round shape.
The left went in just fine but when you go back to make sure the spring is in correcly you drop that 5 1/2 screwdriver down the fork tube to the bottom never to be seen again.
I fill the resovoirs and now the clutch has to be bled and you've never done it before.
8 p.m and you wind up on the forum feeling like a complete idiot.
Does anyone know how to bleed the clutch lever back to a useable condition?
If so how?
Should I leave the screwdriver in the brand ne 2007 Vmax or pay the stealer to remove it?

Oh and I almost forgot.
Agter putting on the progressive 412 12.5 inch shocks in the back I had to saw the side stand off.The problem is I sawed it off too much and now have to lean the bike against the wall to park it.

Can someone "PLEASE HELP ME."
I've got a gun in the closet and I can always use that on myself.
What I did was pretty stupid.
There is a bleeder for the clutch located under a rubber boot locted about 4 inches above the left foot peg open it let it drip out fior about 20 mins keep an eye on the clutch resovoir keep fluid while its dripping
I had the same problem with my fork cap on the right side I rounded it off I brought it into the dealer to take off, then had John Furber send me another one. Take the other fork off and turn it upside down to get the screwdriver out FORK OIL WILL COM OUT??

Ive got another kickstand you can have if you want it.
I'd put off any additional mods until you can get an exterminator over to help with those nasty little gremlins too. Some days they can completely ruin a good time.

Center stand?
It ain't all bad. You can always remove that one fork from the tripple and turn it upside down to dump the driver out (catch the fluid and you can put it back in.

Bleeding the master can be a pain but not impossible. Though this may not be recommended I simply twist the line like you are pinching it off and this pushes the bubbles out of the line. Repeat the process until you don't see any more bubbles then pump the lever a few times and tap the line along the lenght. Repeat until you get a nice firm lever and can "feel" the clutch diaphram "breaking" over.

Sean Morley
Invest in a Mity-Vac brake bleeder from any auto parts store and you will love me forever!:biglaugh: You can do it many other ways but the Mity-Vac gets you back on the road fast! :eusa_dance: