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Just think of how much less crowded we would be if they just made stupidity a crime...:punk:
Surprise, more dipshit petty criminals from DC. The high concentration of politicians makes it easy for them to blend in I guess.

But the last bit shows just how facebook-phallic people are getting.

"My son was coping brilliantly with the trauma of losing his belongings — until he saw the invasion of his Facebook page."

So his place of residence gets invaded by some lowlife, his expensive electronics and personal property get rifled through and stolen....ok, no big deal. BUT HOLY SHIT SOMEONE USED HIS FACEBOOK!!

Really? His intangible, virtual facebook profile and 400 "friends" are of more concern to him that the place where he lives and possessions? I guess it would be, if that guy pulled a fat wad of $100 bills out of a teenagers desk.

Facebook is the new crack, I swear. I'd love to see the chaos that would ensue if facebook suddenly went offline for a few days. There'd be millions with absolutely no purpose to live anymore if they can't incessantly comment on blurry photos of some "friend" they've never met and his girlfriend at a Denny's at 4am, and "like" random bits of bullshit they couldn't care less about.

More reasons why I don't, and never will use facebook. If I want to talk to someone, I'll call them. If I want to show them something, I'll email it to them, or....heaven forbid.....actually go see them. I know, I know, cell phones and physically moving your body to a different location are so old fashioned.
Surprise, more dipshit petty criminals from DC. The high concentration of politicians makes it easy for them to blend in I guess.

LMFAO!!! :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:

wow, some kids are just plain ole fawkin stupid!!! the kids parents should get flogged with him for raising such a stupid little bastard...
Re: public humiliation

Oh jeez, big safety issue involved, 'someone might be unhappy' over what those assholes did.....give 'em a bloddy nose or somethin'! Too fuckin' bad, probably shouldda given that some consideration while they were ripping off the victims fund....worthless pieces of shit!!

OK, let's keep them "safe" from that crazed public and slap 'em in the state pen....with the rest of the convicted felons!!

Assholes got the deal of the century, shut the fuck up and take yer lumps!!

Personally, I'd like to see them bring back the 'crushed glass enema'!! :punk:
Re: public humiliation

Oh jeez, big safety issue involved, 'someone might be unhappy' over what those assholes did.....give 'em a bloddy nose or somethin'! Too fuckin' bad, probably shouldda given that some consideration while they were ripping off the victims fund....worthless pieces of shit!!

OK, let's keep them "safe" from that crazed public and slap 'em in the state pen....with the rest of the convicted felons!!

Assholes got the deal of the century, shut the fuck up and take yer lumps!!

Personally, I'd like to see them bring back the 'crushed glass enema'!! :punk:
One word: Tree-shredder...
Is that two words??

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