Why you don't reassemble at 1am

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
Milton, Ontario Canada
Some of the folks here are aware of an issue I have been having with Toxic since my winter mod season started. When I began my mods I decided to remove the engine and wiring harness from Toxic to facilitate re-coating of the frame. As anyone who has attempted this will tell you, one has to be careful and keep close track on how things come apart so when putting the bike back together you get it right. Now I come to the part about putting the bike together at 1am......

Anyone who knows me knows that I can be quite thorough in my preparations and working on Toxic. Well, at 1am even I can make mistakes. It really became apparent to me when we arrived at the Toronto show that I had made a couple of "rookie mistakes" when reassembling the bike. Toxic has NEVER leaked oil and yet there it was, a slow drip of oil out of the stator cover. After taking a close look at the cover I noted that I had forgotten to double check all the bolts holding the clear insert in place to make sure that they were tight. Of course they weren't, problem one answered! Then Toxic decided that in typical female fashion to spring another surprise on me, a coolant leak!!! When re-assembling the water pump clear cover I had ordered a new o-ring that never arrived. I decided to re-use the old one, but apparently it had some issues and was now leaking a drip every few hours!!! Well, couldn't fix that one at the show either so just kept cleaning it up. Next problem was at the end of the show. Normally we start up the bikes and ride them through the show halls to the door where we load the trailer. When I went to start Toxic, NOTHING!!!! Now, knowing that I had removed the harness out of the bike earlier in the winter my first thought was, CRAP I forgot to plug something in. That was until Trevor and Dale said that they smelled burning wiring!!!!!:bang head::bang head: Luckily nothing was actually burning (a connector to my sport tail had come undone and the "hot" side was touching the frame just enough to short out), but that still didn't explain the problems with the bike.

Well, I am happy to say that problem is solved! Last night Trevor and I decided to troubleshoot the wiring and see just WTF was going on. After tearing through the harness and confirming that ALL connections were properly made we were stumped. That was until we took the left scoop off. I had thought that maybe I had forgotten to plug in one of the relay boxes under the scoop and that was causing the issue. Imagine the dismay when we took the scoop off and they were both plugged in. I then decided to take a closer look at the connections and the answer presented itself. Yamaha, in their ulitmate wisdom, decided that both connectors should be IDENTICAL in every way but one, the number of wiring connections in each. To make a long, and embarrasing, story short I had connected them wrong:bang head:. Once we swapped the connector, viola Toxic came to life!! I would like to thank whatever engineer decided to make the connectors the same and will NEVER again thrash on Toxic at 1am!

Next time I tag everthing!!!!
glad you got her all figured out. life would be too boring if everything always worked the first time around ey!
My digital camera is 80% of my motorcycle mechanical ability...lol. the other 20% ? luck I think...

LOL, true enough. As this was my third or fourth time tearing the bike down I actually thought I knew what I was doing. Thing is I knew better, but just didnt think to double check in the sleepy haze I finished in. I know I dont do my best work when I am tired and should have refrained from finishing until after I got a good nights sleep.
LOL, true enough. As this was my third or fourth time tearing the bike down I actually thought I knew what I was doing. Thing is I knew better, but just didnt think to double check in the sleepy haze I finished in. I know I dont do my best work when I am tired and should have refrained from finishing until after I got a good nights sleep.

Good to hear you got it sorted out Jim. Amazing what a little rest and calm thought can solve, or avoid!

Dale #2592

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