New Army unit announced

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Jun 25, 2008
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Details Of Obama Openly Gay Military Released

WASHINGTON (SR) - President Barack Hussein Obama has directed the Pentagon to replace the "don't ask, don't tell" policy with one that will allow openly gay men and women to serve in the military.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, will present details of the plan to U.S. lawmakers next Tuesday.
According to sources inside the Pentagon, changes to be implemented include adding choreography to marching regimens, equipping all dorms with double-wide bunks, new fitted uniforms in seasonal color palettes, the installation of hot tubs, and more.
In a potentially controversial move, the Pentagon will announce the formation of a new all-gay, all male company tentatively named the "Fighting 69thSodomites."
Sources credit the creation of the 69th to House member Barney Frank, who has reportedly been working "very, very closely" with gay Pentagon officials.



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I have an issue with this thread... Is this a crack at gays or at our President?

If it's towards gay people that's when I have the issue... I am NOT gay but I am not against gay people. I don't believe this is the correct forum to post this.

If it's a crack at the president then I have NO argument...

I have no problem with gay folks either.....

But funny is funny:biglaugh:
I have an issue with this thread... Is this a crack at gays or at our President?

If it's towards gay people that's when I have the issue... I am NOT gay but I am not against gay people. I don't believe this is the correct forum to post this.

If it's a crack at the president then I have NO argument...


Ohh come on! REALAX, its a joke. This is the Burnout Pit right?
I have an issue with this thread... Is this a crack at gays or at our President?

If it's towards gay people that's when I have the issue... I am NOT gay but I am not against gay people. I don't believe this is the correct forum to post this.

If it's a crack at the president then I have NO argument...


Didn't give it much thought when I posted, I just thought it was funny, but I guess it could be classified as political satire and not necessarily a 'crack' at anybody.

I have no problem with gays either, they go their way I go mine....but openly gay behavior in the military? I got a BIG FUCKIN' problem with that!
Yeah seriously ever since the Cornell drama tension has been on RED ALERT! Relax its all in fun.
Danny that is just funny as hell!! Not that I have anything against gay men or women, just not something I see as good for unit morale in the military. As a bonus it is a shot at good old B.O.:eusa_dance:
As a white, straight, christian, conservative male, I get made fun of everytime I turn on the television. Or, everytime Barry goes over sea to make another "Apology Tour". Political correctnes has made everyone so, butt hurt(pun intended).
Yeah seriously ever since the Cornell drama tension has been on RED ALERT! Relax its all in fun.

As long as it's not at your expense huh?

It has NOTHING to do with political correctness for me. It has everything to do with being nice.

Not sure why this bothered me so much... I guess I just found it in bad taste to make fun of someone when they are born the way they are.

My take on it is... Do straight men and woman mess around in the military knowingly? If so I see no reason why gays can't do the same. What makes us superior?

Just my take on it... Yes I am a married VERY heterosexual male...

Having served in the military I would liike to give you my take on this subject. Personally I knew of at least 2 gay men that I served with. Did it bother me, no not at all. Did it bother others you bet, as a matter of fact it was enough of a distraction that both guys got transfered. The fact is that it does make folks uncomfortable to serve alongside of homosexuals of either sex. It hurts morale and does, sadly enough, cause many people discomfort. In the military you cannot afford to have distractions such as this in any unit. Unfortunately that is the way it is and having openly gay men or women in a unit is a huge distraction.
My take on it is... Do straight men and woman mess around in the military knowingly? If so I see no reason why gays can't do the same. What makes us superior?

Just my take on it... Yes I am a married VERY heterosexual male...

I don't think anyone is questioning your sexuality.....nor would it be their business...

I don't personally care what ANYONE does as long as all involved are consenting adults in private settings.....

I don't want to see their public displays of affection any more than I want to see yours.....or anyone else's for that matter.....

I thought the don't ask don't tell policy was about as good as it got for dealing with this situation.....:confused2:
this thread definitely has the ability to go south, i'm glad everyone is keeping the high path.

Having served in the military I would liike to give you my take on this subject. Personally I knew of at least 2 gay men that I served with. Did it bother me, no not at all. Did it bother others you bet, as a matter of fact it was enough of a distraction that both guys got transfered. The fact is that it does make folks uncomfortable to serve alongside of homosexuals of either sex. It hurts morale and does, sadly enough, cause many people discomfort. In the military you cannot afford to have distractions such as this in any unit. Unfortunately that is the way it is and having openly gay men or women in a unit is a huge distraction.

Openly gay should not cause too many problems.......

FLAMBOYANTLY gay tends to be an issue.....
I don't think anyone is questioning your sexuality.....

I don't personally care what ANYONE does as long as all involved are consenting adults in private settings.....

I don't want to see their public displays of affection any more than I want to see yours.....or anyone else's for that matter.....

I thought the don't ask don't tell policy was about as good as it got for dealing with this situation.....:confused2:

Agreed! I see no reason to change it. I also don't see the issue of gays getting "together" in the military. I guess taking a shower next to a known homosexual would be something very low on my lists of things to do so I guess maybe that's where this stems from. In the military you see... err... A lot of your team members and maybe that's where the issue comes in.

My issue was teasing them about being homosexual.

I don't like Obama and I think he's changing shit just to change shit... Gotta live up to that "change" story he told everyone when he ran... Oh lord is he changing... :stickyman:

Openly gay should not cause too many problems.......

FLAMBOYANTLY gay tends to be an issue.....

Yes but honestly, they tend not to gravitate towards the military...

I agree Jim, But maybe it's US that's the issue. Unless they are grab ass'ing or popping jokes I can't see why people have to be so homophobic.

I think there in lies the issue. Maybe WE need to change. I know... It's not as easy as that.

My issue was teasing them about being homosexual.

I think there in lies the issue. Maybe WE need to change. I know... It's not as easy as that.


Everyone gets teased about something.......fat.....skinny.......glasses......Harley......Jap hair..disability....whatever......

Everyone gets teased about something.......and I personally think a lot of folks need to get a little tougher skin and not be so damn sensitive and easily offended.......and some people tend to go too far with the teasing....

As far as society needing to change......

The mere fact that this discussion is happening......and many of the posts in it...... show that it has already changed.......a WHOLE lot......

All change takes time........and trying to force it on people makes it worse......

Some of the best gay jokes I have ever heard I heard from gay folks......

Blonde jokes......from blondes....

Some of the best ethnic jokes I have ever heard came from folks of the ethnicity being ridiculed......I can tell some woppers about Italians(get it??:biglaugh:)

Is it hurtful just to be hurtful or is it I said in my earlier post.......

Funny is funny.......aimed at me, you, or anyone else.....

I better deposit $0.10 for this one:biglaugh:
First off I'll say this, I am a heterosexual male and I'm secure in that. I don't personally have a issue with anyone's sexual orientation, it's their life/ body/ etc. and they have to deal with it.
I know it can be a sensitive subject but I understood Dan's point somewhat having had a sister in the military with whom I've had this discussion with many times. In my mind I felt the policy was working as well as it could, I don't see any reason to change that policy.
I also agree in what Chris said that Obama is changing things to change things just to show he's doing something.
Now, political correctness out of the way... That is some funny shite! Barry is falling all over hisself trying to prove he's got something going on. If he can't get some coherent direction going his handlers are gonna CHANGE him!
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