Shout Out for PCW Tuning, NY!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
North Central, MA (near Orange)
Howdie All, I'm Jack, still in my freshman year of VMAXing. But long time Biking.

I was having problems with my clutch. I first went to my arrogant mechanic. He told me to order the Barnett Pressure Plate Converstion Kit. He said, "I been doin' this bike mechanics and VMAXsss for years, boy! Just do what I say..."

In my first ten years of biking, I allowed this cocky mechanic to talk to me like the "Village Idiot" as he does to all clients on account that he gots the best game in town. No one can match his one time fix bike mechanics at 1/2 dealer prices. But I say, 'No More."

I called PCW. Brandan spoke to me with respect and understanding. He made his schedule respond to my need of a clutch by saying, "You get it down here tomorrow, I (Brandan @ PCW) will have you running right on your way back to home (Central Mass). I struggled to get it down there with the wind blowing against my chest and spinning that damm clutch. I barely made it to Schenectady, PCW's HQ Shop. But I got there.

Everything was disclosed to me. I walked around the corner and got some lunch at a diner, used a computer at the library, and priced out a custom pool stick...cuz I'm getting better at pool...never gonna get hustled again.

Anyways, by the end of the day. The non performing clutch turned out to be needing the push rod repaired. It was not going back correctly plus a few updated parts that Yamaha had a TSB report done. Brandon and John explained everything, and how they didn't have to put in new plates; mine were virtually perfect friction fiber plates. Brandon super nicely bead blasted my metal plates, making a whole new surface. PCW spring installed since we were there. But, my point is: NOTHING UNNEEDED WAS DONE. They do what is required, appropriate prevention, and nothing more! This is a pro shop! Worth the 3 hours it takes me to drive down there.

I'm getting a trailer for my Kia Soul, though. Having a bike trailer is valuable. I bet I will use it for occassions like this, and several utility purchases.

Post PCW Repair Riding Impressions: I can say with 500 miles on their work, the clutch is the best hydraulic clutch I have ever used. Works like a Porsche or European car clutch. Very heavy pressure, but very controllable. Works AH..AH...AHHHHWESOME!!!.

Note: I have no ownership or kinship with PCW.
Note to my arrogant my mechanic that calls me "Boy." Well, with PCW right over the state line, YOU ARE HISTORY. And not anywhere as good as you say you are. Self proclaiming yourself to be a "Motorcycle GOD." I'm laughing at you now...

Sorry to digress. Call Brendan if you need professional VMAXing done right.
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Glad to hear you got it sorted out Jack! Did you let your cocky mechanic mess with your carbs at all? Did he dyno tune it? Love to see those numbers up into the 130's!!!!!
Glad to hear you got it sorted out Jack! Did you let your cocky mechanic mess with your carbs at all? Did he dyno tune it? Love to see those numbers up into the 130's!!!!!

Hey John. PCW, after they got my clutch done. John and Brandan explained that my carbs are not set up right. The numbers I got from my old mechanic, I question, but I'm not hung up on that. I just want high power that is smooth rideability. And that's exactly what Brandan and John talked to me about.

My bike is running better. But NOW I know...what a good VMAX can sound like. I have saw all the mods that can be done to make it better. Nothing wrong with stock, but I am highly aware now.

I need to improve my VBoost. Brandan suggested that I seek a low mileage good known working VBOOST ASSEMBLY. I will post WTBs in the right section. But if anyone out there has a nice, nice Vboost pump and complete assembly...sans the black electronic ecu, I am needing pls PM me.

Cheers...I'm gonna go out in this 95 degree weather and ride that bad girl.
Jack, I told you so! and I have some vboost parts you can check out tomorrow. Did PCW hook you up with his clutch spring?
Yes, Vboost Stage Seven does not typically. But Brandan and I are working on a custom plan. We have several steps. I don't exactly understand as much as Brandan does, of course, so I'm going to go step by step. And if I get a good return from each step of modification, I will continue doing so. At this time, I do not expect to go to the 1260 or 1500, but if I happen to win the lottery or get way'd be nice.

For the now, yes...please keep a look out of a low mileage Vboost Pump and Assembly. Thanks Bud
Jack, I told you so! and I have some vboost parts you can check out tomorrow. Did PCW hook you up with his clutch spring?

Yes, Sir, by the way, when I introduced myself, I explained that I was referred by you Rick. They immediately new your name. Identified as the manufacturer of the MAXGASSER. Which made the long trip, plus the last 500 miles nice nice. Will chat more.

Thanks for the referral. That was a great hook up to good people.
You should really save yourself a lot of time and money and wait till fall. Then take it back and drop it off and say,"1500 tourmaster. Call me when its done."

Save all those pesky little trips. <BMFG>
I have been saying for quite a while the Stage 7 & Vboost work perfect together if tuned right. I would not have mine any other way.

That's exactly what the pros at PCW said. Now they also explained, it's not as simple as cleaning the carbs and syncing them up. There is a certain disciplined set up that each of the four sparks have to be tuned just right to the gas and air. This is where I let the pros do what I do not even attempts. Let's face it, a pro that does stuff 7/24/365 is gonna know more than me. And as long as I don't go bank rupt and have an honestry return, there's something to be said for letting experts do what they do best.

Message: The VBoost can work...and does work best when tuned to Stage 7 breathers.
Kyle and I both run Stage 7 and VBoost. Mine operates w/less of a "camminess" to it than stock, fine w/me! No issues w/acceleration, you just can't go WFO at 2500 rpm, but if you roll the throttle open, it works fine. Doing it from ~4500 rpm is better, of course, if you are looking for the best results.

So they are suggesting you add the V-boost to your Stage7 setup? I didn't think that was necessary?
For all the people that claim about losing low & midrange power with a stock motor with a stage 7 sit back & think about it a minute. Yes it sounds cool idling with open boost because it cant burn all that fuel . Midrange same thing Yamaha is not completely stupid on the way they made things. I am not saying there always right either but look at it a bit.
I need to improve my VBoost. Brandan suggested that I seek a low mileage good known working VBOOST ASSEMBLY. I will post WTBs in the right section. But if anyone out there has a nice, nice Vboost pump and complete assembly...sans the black electronic ecu, I am needing pls PM me.

Cheers...I'm gonna go out in this 95 degree weather and ride that bad girl.[/QUOTE]
What do you mean by improving the vboost Jack?
I need to improve my VBoost. Brandan suggested that I seek a low mileage good known working VBOOST ASSEMBLY. I will post WTBs in the right section. But if anyone out there has a nice, nice Vboost pump and complete assembly...sans the black electronic ecu, I am needing pls PM me.

Cheers...I'm gonna go out in this 95 degree weather and ride that bad girl.
What do you mean by improving the vboost Jack?

Apparently, when my bike had the Stage 7 Mod done, my Vboost was completely, physically, removed. So, I should have used the words, "I need to replace my VBoost on account that it's not there anymore."

Jackster, aka, Freshman VMAX on my way to higher VMAX education. Thanks to all that are helping this poor newbie learn what he is talking about. Hopefully, someday, I can help you back and other freshman. Thanks
The 1540 I built runs terrible unless the Vboost is closed down low. I screwed around for weeks trying to sort it. Called JonPCW for advice and he said to reinstall the Vboost.
Instant fix.

Wouldn't be an issue if I could afford flat slide.
This is an interesting topic. I never had vboost on my bike ever and have a full stage 7 with 165 mains in it. It doesn't stumble down low and will burn the wheel off from a 2500 roll on and runs 11 flat @122 all day. I have a friend with a 1570 long rod and he has always told me the bike would run better if I put the vboost back in it. I don't know wtf to do cuz it runs fine now. I guess it couldn't hurt to try. Could always yank it back out
This is an interesting topic. I never had vboost on my bike ever and have a full stage 7 with 165 mains in it. It doesn't stumble down low and will burn the wheel off from a 2500 roll on and runs 11 flat @122 all day. I have a friend with a 1570 long rod and he has always told me the bike would run better if I put the vboost back in it. I don't know wtf to do cuz it runs fine now. I guess it couldn't hurt to try. Could always yank it back out

On the campus of MIT, one of the most popular T Shirts among grad students says, "If it ain't broken, Modify It! And make it better." I don't know about you, but I understand this message. That's why I'm going back to PCW shortly to get my starter clutch kit done by them, alone with a complete Vboost set up. I am gonna have Brandan and John do what they do best, "Master Level Dyno Tuning" I will report the details as soon as Brandan and I can coordinate our schedules. Heck, I'll go down tomorrow if they let me. Who needs furniture and