cedarfalls Iowa aug.28

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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Des Moines, Iowa
Fun day at the drag strip.
trying to get a few vmax's to show for a day of runs down the strip.
so far 3 of us are going.
last time i went it was test and tune all day.

here's a link to the track http://www.cedarfallsraceway.com/pages/schedule.html

Would be nice to meet a few fellow maxers.
so if your in iowa ,illinois,minesota or wisconsin this isn't that far of a drive.
anyone else who wants to show is more than welcome. you won't miss us.
just look for the ez-up with a bunch of vmaxs around it.

we go up friday night. test and tune a lil. then run all day saturday.
enjoy the bands sat. night. then camp at the track sat. night.
then drive home on sunday.
hope to see some of you there.
I'll try and make it with the turbo bike... I haven't had it to the strip at alll yet this year, but I've started it quite a few times. Feel free to give me a call before then. I have a house in Waverly (15 miles from the track) if anyone wants to meet up earlier or stay the night.


Jeff 3l9-46l-8969
I'll try and make it with the turbo bike... I haven't had it to the strip at alll yet this year, but I've started it quite a few times. Feel free to give me a call before then. I have a house in Waverly (15 miles from the track) if anyone wants to meet up earlier or stay the night.


Jeff 3l9-46l-8969

AWESOME :th_image003:
I'll try and make it with the turbo bike... I haven't had it to the strip at alll yet this year, but I've started it quite a few times. Feel free to give me a call before then. I have a house in Waverly (15 miles from the track) if anyone wants to meet up earlier or stay the night.


Jeff 3l9-46l-8969

I caught your video on you tube running your bike against that HD Destroyer. The comments are hilarious!
2 weeks and it's fun time.
Jeff i want to see that turbo bike run.
we are getting the bikes ready. and a 69 chevelle.
Sounds like fun. But I work weekends.:eusa_dance:
I'm still planning on being there... I hope I don't have ignition problems... may be a spark plug or wire issue too.
You guys need to give turtleuya a hard time. He's from Iowa City. Owns a stock 03 and has plenty of time. if hes not drunk..
O.k.... so I was all pumped up for going to this race and getting the turbo bike out, and I had a HUGE brain fart and I have my cousin's wedding on the 28th and I'm the best man, so I should probably be there. Sorry to say this, but I am out.... I am bummed! I hope this fall is going to be nice, cause I am chompin at the bit to get out there!


No turbo bike.:hmmm: just be the best man at his next wedding. LOL:rofl_200:

A group of us from Des Moines are still going. We will be there before 10 am .

Can't wait to see how the max does. or how I do on the max.
Great weather and awesome day at the track.
Did my first run and bike ran like crap. So i look at the right rear plug first.
it seams to be the one that likes to foul out. and sure enough it is.
so I just replace the 1 plug. And head back up to staging.Get in my second run against my buddy's 97 chain drive max.We both run hard till near the end. He lets off,so i let off staying a wheel ahead of him. we crossed the line at 85 mph.
After we get back to the pits. I ask him why the hell did we let off. He say's he didn't want to go over 124 mph. because then he would need full leathers. I said OK, but i got the win light. So next time you better not lift.(smack talking in the pits . is highly recommended). So most of the day . we ran against other bikes. He was picking on some guy with an R1. While myself was getting a couple of harley riders fired up. I'm pretty sure next time those guys see a vmax. they will look at one with an all new respect. We near the end of the day. my buddy and I decide to run against each other 2 more times.
keep in mind my best et all day was an 11.62 and his was a 10.89.
1/4 mile . So we line up He wants to get a win over me so bad.So he launches at about 5 to 6k rpms. all he see's is sky.Before he could catch me.It was all over. So i'm up 2 to 0. And he knows whats coming. So he don't even stop at our pit. He goes right back for another run. so i go line up next to him. This time he caught me on the big end of the track. and i couldn't do
a darn thing about it.so we call it a day. So we decide it's beer thirty.(no beer clouds could be seen)
And after a few, things get fun. we compared time slips. we gave each other so much crap. You would have just had to have been there. So he brings up beating me. And I have to remind him. (with time slips in hand) that i won 2 out of 3 . Now he has a new screen saver of ME to look at everyday

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