Cograts 82ndCowboy, New Central Florida Chapter Rep

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Well deserved 82nd! I will do what I can in SW FLA to help you any way I can.:clapping:
Thanks Guys!

No royalty here. I'm just a VMax rider like yourselves.
My aim is only to try and come up with some cool fun stuff to do and ride together with fellow VMaxers and get more of us together more often.

One of the coolest things to see is a dozen or so VMAXes running down the road.
So I'm going to do my best to come up with some more stuff to do and get togethers and inform other VMAX riders of the VMOA.
I'm not going to pester any one about joining, but will do my best to keep them informed about the VMOA, so they are aware of it.

I don't have any real power as far as the VMOA goes. I'm just an ambassador for our Association.

And I am certainly not going to forget about the VMAXForum either.

It's Like Captain Morgan & Diet Coke.
Separate, they are good on their own.
But Mix them together in the perfect ratio...
Silky Velvety Rummy Gooodness!

Such modesty..

You the man Robert, I've seen your posts here as well as the VMOA. You are more than just a rider. You are willing to lend a hand when ever needed, and more then willing to pass on any info and let ppl know of the fun stuff going on.

I'd vote for you to be a rep or even pres for your area. Lemme guess, you were born with the tuning forks tattoo right?:punk:
Congradulations Robert! The VMOA just upped their game! :thumbs up: :thumbs up:
You are sooo right on the capt'n coke! I will tip one in your honor during my new years celebrations!
Good on ya!

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