Ferguson MO Grand Jury

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On a related note: The Christmas discount shopping season in Ferguson has been moved up, and is now scheduled to begin sometime around midnight tonight.
Ive been flipping thru the channels, looking at the coverage of this. Even when it is brought up, no one wants to talk about the events leading up to the shooting, and the family attorney sidestepped the fact the the officer is innocent until proven guilty.
These scum were going to riot , loot , burn , etc. , no matter the results of the grand jury. This isn't about Michael Brown . It's all about them .
"Cop not indicted" should damn well read: "Police officer Darren Wilson exonerated of all charges...", but he! l no. Fu € king news agencies anyway.
These scum were going to riot , loot , burn , etc. , no matter the results of the grand jury. This isn't about Michael Brown . It's all about them .
I agree. And most likely, the majority of the law-breakers were from out of town. After all the dust settles, they will not have to live in - and with - the consequences of their actions.
It's not about justice....THIS is about vengeance!!

I feel really bad for those poor folks on the grand jury....just twelve ordinary people whose names came around in the rotation.....their lives now forever changed.

There's something intrinsically wrong with that.
It's about Forking Time...................................................................................
I don't get it!! Just heard on the radio there are two 'Furgeson Protests' scheduled today, one in Ulster County NY and one in Dutchess County NY.

What the hell are they protesting? Grand Juries, cigar shops, cops carrying guns, fire, curfews, protests themselves??? Maybe just Missouri in general....Jim, did you do something to incite a protest in NY? :confused2:

'Course, you gotta remember these are the same folks who used FOIA to obtain a list of CC permit holders in Westchester County and published it in some local rag....so they're capable of all sorts of stupidity! :jerk it:

Wonder how many of these 'has been hippies' will be out there carrying their signs tomorrow when we're getting 2" - 3" of snow per hour.....betcha it just won't be quite that important by then! :biglaugh:
There are two major problems in the large minority (OK, call me racist, I mean black) communities which led up to this whole situation, not just in the small community of Ferguson.

#1. There are very few, if any, positive male family role models left. Instead, there are absentee "baby daddies", thugs, drug users and dealers. Kids become what they see as normal around them. Kids who try to break out of the mold have it rough, and there seems to be a lack of common sense even in those young people, which leads to #2.

#2. When an armed police officer tells you to do something, just do it. You can argue about it later, in court if possible. When you're unarmed, you just don't confront an armed person, no matter who he is. If he perceives you as a threat, you're in way over your head, and the outcome is seldom going to be in your favor.

If either of these situations did not exist, none of this would have occurred in the first place. To paraphrase Al Gore, it's an "inconvenient truth".
The whole thing is stupid.... had it been a black officer, black kid, not story, white officer, white kid no story, black officer, white kid, no story. WHY IS THIS SUCH A BIG FUCKING DEAL?! It dosent matter if the dipshit was unarmd, he assalted an officer and made him feel that he was in severe danger and he acted appropiately for the situation. I wouldve done the same thing and im fairly sure most of ua wouldve done the same. Hell, i just heard
theyre protesting at the University of Toledo today... "educated" people protesting a correct decision by the justice system... so fucking STUPID!!!!
The whole thing is stupid.... had it been a black officer, black kid, not story, white officer, white kid no story, black officer, white kid, no story. WHY IS THIS SUCH A BIG FUCKING DEAL?! It dosent matter if the dipshit was unarmd, he assalted an officer and made him feel that he was in severe danger and he acted appropiately for the situation. I wouldve done the same thing and im fairly sure most of ua wouldve done the same. Hell, i just heard
theyre protesting at the University of Toledo today... "educated" people protesting a correct decision by the justice system... so fucking STUPID!!!!

Read this article...
In EVERY picture shown of the dead thug in this sad story it is clearly visible , at least it is to me, that he was indeed NOT UNARMED. Brown clearly posssed two arms - a great big right arm and another equally big left arm. Had he not possesed two such large arms, perhaps he would not have seeemed such a threat to officer Wilson that night?
The National Guard is activated , but not used on the night the verdict or lack of same , is issued. I think the Governor should be indicted for dereliction of duty to protect the citizens ; black , white , brown , yellow , whatever color is not rioting .
I think this forum is the only place I have heard actual, logical comments about this.

In my Fundamentals of Communication class yesterday, my grad student teacher brought this up, and the entire class talked about how bad police are, how the cop should've been charged, the looting, how she has to teach her two year old son not to wear hoodies or disrespect police or steal candy (and this cracked me up when she said because everybody else steals candy lol) how he should have been brought to a trial instead of a grand jury deciding his "fate" and on and on. No one mentioned racism, but it was clear the entire class thought it was racist. It was really sad and disappointing to watch this. And how do you argue with them? My mom always says, "you cannot argue with an idiot." It's not that hard when we have the internet to spend a little bit of time to research the facts and come to the right decision. And worse yet, it really comes down to the media. They are the ones who have blown this issue into a huge debacle.
This whole thing is being choreographed to perfection...Wag The Dog , if you will . It was set up weeks ago , martial law , the National Guard , Holder , local , state and federal involvement , FBI , HSA...outside/inside agitators... follow the script...:bang head:

No national coverage of anything even close in the way of mis-justice anywhere else...:confused2:...really ?

Let them burn the bitch down ! :eusa_dance: