I can't understand what the hell is wrong

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I hope syncing mine tomorrow does the trick for me also... there is that fargo again........lol who is he? and why doesn't he live in fargo Nd where I live, well I live 3 miles from Fargo........lol
hope it works and you are back to running strong!!! Also hope you tell us how easy the shotgun was so us that fear to touch the carbs will have the confidence to do ours in the future lol

The Shotgun was very easy, I made a box and divided it into 4 parts and labeled them right front,right rear, left front,left rear and I sis each carb one at a time and made sure I put the parts from each carb in the section in the box for them. I did one at a time and too kmy time and it went fine. I lost track of how many turns each one was but in the end to get my bike running I had to set them a different number fo turns out anyways.

Don't be afraid of it just take your time.

My bike is a lot better than it was before I did it but it may be the settings more than anything being gummed up in there. I still ahve some fine tuning to do and hopefully my bike will be running perfect again someday soon.

There are so many great guys on here willing to help so it is easy. when my bike is fixed 100% I will be much happier but for now I'm glad I did the shotgun.

Ron, This is Fargo RagingMain

It sounds like you're making headway, this could be the cleaning effects of the Seafoam you're using...and the shorgun.

Good rule of thumb....if it was running good when you parked it, and isn't running good after starting it back up, and you didn't make any adjustments while it was parked, then it is almost certainly a carb cleaning issue and not an adjustment one.

Once you get the carbs sync'd continue the seafoam in the tank treatments. There are some other additives that work very well also...BG44K, Techron....etc. These may be a little stronger than Seafoam.

I pour 1/3 can of BG44K in each of my first three tankfulls in the spring and have no issues during the year with either bike.

I've heard that the marine grade of Stabil works very well as a stabilizer (I use regular Sta-bil and don't seem to have issues).

Unfortunately, what worked good with your other max's may no longer apply just because of the crap gas they're selling us these days, it seems to break down much more quickly than it did even a couple years ago.

If you have any questions PM me and I'll shoot you my ph #.
I agree. The fuel we currently have sucks for any kind of long term (and not so long term) storage. It sounds like he's getting it back up and running well.

Ron, This is Fargo RagingMain

It sounds like you're making headway, this could be the cleaning effects of the Seafoam you're using...and the shorgun.

Good rule of thumb....if it was running good when you parked it, and isn't running good after starting it back up, and you didn't make any adjustments while it was parked, then it is almost certainly a carb cleaning issue and not an adjustment one.

Once you get the carbs sync'd continue the seafoam in the tank treatments. There are some other additives that work very well also...BG44K, Techron....etc. These may be a little stronger than Seafoam.

I pour 1/3 can of BG44K in each of my first three tankfulls in the spring and have no issues during the year with either bike.

I've heard that the marine grade of Stabil works very well as a stabilizer (I use regular Sta-bil and don't seem to have issues).

Unfortunately, what worked good with your other max's may no longer apply just because of the crap gas they're selling us these days, it seems to break down much more quickly than it did even a couple years ago.

If you have any questions PM me and I'll shoot you my ph #.

Thanks I appreciate the offer of help. Today I am going out and start it and see if it will warm up and then idle without choke like it did yesterday, then I plan to sync the carbs if it does idle.

Then I will go for a ride, DO YOU THINK I SHOULD PUT MORE SEAFOAN IN ? Should I be putting in the BK 44 K at the saem time as Seafoam?

Last gas fill up I had a bottle with maybe a oz that I dumped in but I just bought 2 more bottles this past week.. How much should I put in?

I'm interested in seeing how it runs after all this and I will keep you guys posted.

Damn so do we have to break down and clean carbs every spring now??

I will keep you guys posted later today as to how things went

Ron, as Sean stated about the quality of fuel these days you should pay extra attention to how much of any cleaner you dump in the tank. Over doing it can cause problems, you're only using 3.5 gallons to the red light so the remaining half still holds some cleaner on the next fill up. If you add more at the total tank volume soon you will have diluted the fuel with product.
This may not be the problem with your carbs but something to keep in mind.
I know and understand and that is why I am afriad to put too much stuff in the gas. Hell we should have to have a degree in chemistry just to fill our damn tank with gas........lol
Definitely don't put any more than recommended on the bottle - makes things worse. Motor likes to run on gas, mostly ;-)

Also, I wouldn't mix Seafoam and BG or Stabil. Just use each one at a time in a full tank of gas, maybe one can reach dirt or gumming the others can't..
I've put as much as 1/2 can of seafoam in a full tank of fuel...used it to address the same issues on a customer's bike that you are currently having. It smoked some when I twisted the throttle hard, but this customer didn't want to spend the $$$ for a full carb disassembly and cleaning, so I had to use what I could. Ultimately worked fairly well on the bike. Recommendation on the bottle is 1 oz per gallon, but you would be safe doubling that. Run it, but realize that it will take some time to work.

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