Obama sending more troops...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2009
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Wow. Read this in the headlines today.
Wasn't this the guy who's election platform was to pull troops out of the war and bring an end to Bush's war?

This, at the cost of another 75 BILLION dollars.

Spending 75 BILLION more dollars on top of the unthinkable amount of BILLIONS already spent - all to go destroy lives homes and families.

While a 90 BILLION dollar idea to spend money on providing health care to all Americans is unthinakable in a lot of circles.

I'm not bringing up the health care debate - I'm just shocked that Obama is doing this.

It's like the same government is still running the country.

Makes you wonder...
Wow. Read this in the headlines today.
Wasn't this the guy who's election platform was to pull troops out of the war and bring an end to Bush's war?

This, at the cost of another 75 BILLION dollars.

Spending 75 BILLION more dollars on top of the unthinkable amount of BILLIONS already spent - all to go destroy lives homes and families.

While a 90 BILLION dollar idea to spend money on providing health care to all Americans is unthinakable in a lot of circles.

I'm not bringing up the health care debate - I'm just shocked that Obama is doing this.

It's like the same government is still running the country.

Makes you wonder...

Do not listen to what the man says.....just watch what he does!! THAT, and only that, will tell you what we're dealing with here!!
Obama's turning out to the the gigantic disappointment everybody except the far-left expected him to be. He had a lot of lofty claims and how he was going to be the "anti Bush". Now nearly a year in, what has he done? He realized that all his big claims aren't as easy to do as they are to make TV ads about. He acted like he would just snap his fingers and end our occupation in the middle east, wave a wand and fix the economy.
And all the stupid f'rs that believed him and voted him in can kiss my ass! He's a politician for gosh sake! He's not the new messiah like everyone made him out to be.

I am not for war but I do believe in finishing what you started. Bush made a grave mistake at not finishing one before starting another which in hindsight should have never have happened.

It is with a bit of embarassment I hearby admit that I bought into the Obama thing, and voted for him. I'm puckering up right now for a cyber asskiss...

I like to think of myself as at least average in intelligence, but even smart people can be gullible.....:bang head:
It is with a bit of embarassment I hearby admit that I bought into the Obama thing, and voted for him. I'm puckering up right now for a cyber asskiss...

I like to think of myself as at least average in intelligence, but even smart people can be gullible.....:bang head:

I am the FIRST to agree that the image he creates of the U.S. to other countries is VERY positive. He's a DAMN good speaker, smart, good looking, good looking family and he's young and fresh. The problem he has is he doesn't have a lot of experience. I think his intentions were probably somewhat honest but when he got in to the house he figured out that it isn't that easy...

I also see presidents from a different perspective. As a company owner and not a fan of unions I had a HUGE issue with Obamas "ticket" idea. We treat our employees great and give out healthy bonuses when the economy allows. Hell we took a 12% pay cut (everyone did) and gave back 6% a couple months later and then just last week the other 6% and a bonus of 3% of what they "loaned" us as a thanks for taking the cut in pay and helping us get through the hard few months. How many companies do that? We don't see the need to have the government telling us what to do.

Ok... Jumping off my soap box...

You hiring???
You'd only have to keep me for a couple years - I plan on retiring at 62 if I can.
Not that our country is any different, but how could he not get elected?
....McCain and Palin....after a clown like Bush, please!
Did you know McCain was a POW?
And I think the only reason McCain got any votes at all is because he DID have Palin on the ticket. :confused2: Me and my daughter had this same discussion.
I think it's time to hunker down guys - this recession is about to turn into a depression.
I personally know several young men in the military right now - I'm scared as hell for them, but thank God we have guys like these in the military these days. One of them ships out to Afganistan after the first of the year. I'll be praying for him.
I am the FIRST to agree that the image he creates of the U.S. to other countries is VERY positive. He's a DAMN good speaker, smart, good looking, good looking family and he's young and fresh. The problem he has is he doesn't have a lot of experience. I think his intentions were probably somewhat honest but when he got in to the house he figured out that it isn't that easy...


I can't agree with this Chris, it doesn't appear that he or his wife have any knowledge of social protocol regarding international affairs....and aparrently not willing to listen to their advisors on this. You don't lay hands all over the Queen of England...she's not one of "the good ol' girls", hugging up to Chavez...that fucker should get a bullet, not a smooch from our president....he won't acknowledge the pledge of allegiance or the American flag....I think, in the eyes of the world, we appear to be coming apart at the seams.

I hope you're right, that we look like we got it together, united and strong......but I don't think that's the case.
I have talked to several people from outside the US and they stated what I posted above. I really don't like the guy but hey... Someone does... Of course the media paints a beautiful portrait of him.
I have talked to several people from outside the US and they stated what I posted above. I really don't like the guy but hey... Someone does... Of course the media paints a beautiful portrait of him.

I'm glad to hear that....aparrently he's not doing the damage I thought he was!!

Now let's just get rid of him and go back to being the US of A!!
I voted for Mccain only because the alternative was far worse in my eyes. Palin was far more qualified than Obama. Even now the media attacks her. Why do you think they do that? They see a threat they want to eliminate and discredit. If she were not they would have no interrest in her. Personally she is a fairly down to earth person. Something that I think could be a good thing in politics.
I Personally she is a fairly down to earth person. Something that I think could be a good thing in politics.

I thought that too at first, till she was elected governor. So did alot of people up here. From a life long Alaskan.. She's a dipshit, only out to make a few bucks. Don't get me wrong. I bought into it too, she had my vote when she ran for governor. But once she got tapped for VP, it was f-You Alaska, Its all about me now.

As far as Expirence, being mayor of the Meth Capital of Alaska population 5,500. She was not ready. She is alot like Obama though. pretty face, and can play to a croud.
I voted for Mccain only because the alternative was far worse in my eyes. Palin was far more qualified than Obama. Even now the media attacks her. Why do you think they do that? They see a threat they want to eliminate and discredit. If she were not they would have no interrest in her. Personally she is a fairly down to earth person. Something that I think could be a good thing in politics.

Ha, Ha, Ha.....she made it easy for them...don't blame the media.
The only reason she was there, was to try and steal the Clinton (female) vote.
Had Clinton got the VP instead of Biden, she would not be known today, so....
There were much more qualified female Republicans than her, so wtf?
She got there for the wrong reasons.
The proper people never seem to want the job, in either country.
So we settle............
Here is one that you may or may not have seen:
Here is what a learned friend had to say about my Democratic Math e-mail. It's even worse apparently than I first thought:

It's way worse than that. Ignore all the gas crap and just look at how the stupid car buyer got taken to the cleaners:

If you traded in a clunker worth $3500, you get $4500 off for an apparent "savings" of $1000.

However, you have to pay taxes on the $4500 come April 15th (something that no auto dealer will tell you). If you are in the 30% tax bracket, you will pay $1350 on that $4500.

So, rather than save $1000, you actually pay an extra $350 to the feds. In addition, you traded in a car that was most likely paid for. Now you have 4 or 5 years of payments on a car that you did not need, that was costing you less to run than the payments that you will now be making.

But wait; it gets even better: you also got ripped off by the dealer. For example, every dealer here in LA was selling the Ford Focus with all the goodies, including A/C, auto transmission, power windows, etc for $12,500 the month before the "cash for clunkers" program started.

When "cash for clunkers" came along, they stopped discounting them and instead sold them at the list price of $15,500. So, you paid $3000 more than you would have the month before... (Honda, Toyota , and Kia played the same list price game that Ford and Chevy did).

So let's do the final tally here:

You traded in a car worth: $3500
You got a discount of: $4500
Net so far +$1000
But you have to pay: $1350 in taxes on the $4500
Net so far: -$350
And you paid: $3000 more than the car was selling for the month before
Net -$3350

We could also add in the additional taxes (sales tax, state tax, etc.) on the extra $3000 that you paid for the car, along with the 5 years of interest on the car loan, but let's just stop here.

So who actually made out on the deal? The feds collected taxes on the car along with taxes on the $4500 they "gave" you. The car dealers made an extra $3000 or more on every car they sold along with the kickbacks from the manufacturers and the loan companies. The manufacturers got to dump lots of cars they could not give away the month before. And the poor, stupid consumer got saddled with even more debt that they cannot afford.

Obama and his band of merry men convinced Joe consumer that he was getting $4500 in "free" money from the "government" when in fact, Joe was giving away his $3500 car and paying an additional $3350 for the privilege.
Think this was stupid for those who were crazy enough to swallow this wonderful scheme?

Just wait until we get health care with no additional costs over what most of us now pay for health insurance and the best medical care in the world. Think that scheme might be designed by the same people who came up with Cash for Clunkers?