plastic wrap pranksters 'serious issue'

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WALLACE, Idaho – As if driving in rainy slick weather was not hazardous enough, now there is one more thing residents in Shoshone County have to watch out for – saran wrap.
Shoshone Co. Sheriff deputies are investigating a group of individuals that take saran wrap and attach it to columns along Interstate 90, then stream it across the roadway.
Deputy Jeremy Ross said several cars suffered damage, including one where the windshield shattered.
"You hit anything at 75 (miles per hour,) it could absolutely do damage," Ross said.
PREVIOUS: Saran wrap bandits damage Shoshone Co. Interstate 90 car
Authorities said a thin strip of plastic is actually comparable to water because, if it was struck at close range the damage would be minimal. Deputy Ross said going highway speeds and striking the plastic could be disastrous.
"Could be absolutely fatal," he said, "absolutely."
The Idaho Transportation Department personnel caught the suspects in the act Sunday night, but the suspects took off on foot and got into a vehicle before law enforcement arrived.
Authorities have little information on the suspects other than they were wearing dark clothing and had flashlights.
"It's warming up, people are starting to ride their bikes again," Ross said.
"That could be a serious, serious issue."
Deputies said that if someone were to be killed by these actions, it would mean manslaughter charges.

Let's hope they get caught, and no one else copies that behavior.
Imagine if they used fishing line... something like Spider Wire Braid in the 50lb test strength...
I'm not going to add/confess anything to this thread. I still maintain my innocence in the matters.
I'll confess to the fishing line and tin cans across the road prank when we were kids...........................Oh what fun!!..............:biglaugh:...........Tom.
Wow never herd anything like that before. Man that sucks...
Best prank we did as kids was steel a scarecrow on Halloween night. we did not know what to do with it as we walked down m-36 in hamburg Michigan. So one thing lead to another we are kinda fighting over it in a group of four and one guy i will not say who :biglaugh: sad throw it in front of the car and it did happen. The lady slammed on the brake's ran over the scarecrow came to a stop got out of her car as fast as she could saying oh my god oh my god and than saw that it was a messed up looking scarecrow and sad you little fucker's and got back in the car and drove off. We did a'lot of bad thing's like this growing up and only got caught a few time's. Looking back on my childhood i don't know how i lived. What were my parent's up to letting me have so much undisciplined freedom? Well my parent's had 5 kid's to feed maybe hoping one or two might not come home. I kid with my mother about that now and than. I wouldn't trade my childhood with very many. And because of my childhood i feel for the most part i did become a good father.
Plastic wrapping a employee car is funny as hell also. well until he unwrapped the dirty new car and it had scratch's all over it. That dude was pissed. He quit after all the dock worker's pined him down and wrapped him up and left him for 15 minute's because he wouldn't shut up about it.
Plastic wrapping a employee car is funny as hell also. well until he unwrapped the dirty new car and it had scratch's all over it. That dude was pissed. He quit after all the dock worker's pined him down and wrapped him up and left him for 15 minute's because he wouldn't shut up about it.

And then came back and shot all those guys for being dicks.... LOL.

Thats how the world operates.
We used to put little snowmen in the middle of each lane (2 lane road) in between street lights (yes, we had street lights when I was growing up in the U.P.!) so that cars would slow way down if they saw them soon enough or some would slam on their brakes and skid into them. We would be hiding up on the snow banks and got chased by a few people but they could never catch us in the deep snow (we had trails to escape on) and they gave up pretty quick. We were suspected but no one could ever pin it on us!
My favorite prank I pulled on my brother was placing about 15 or so strips of clear tape across the doorway to his room one evening. And then I waited. He came into the house, jogged to his room to get something, and ran right into the tape.

I ran pretty friggin fast goin past him to get out of there, cause I knew once he got the tape off him, he was gonna want to beat my ass!
Cool hearing so many of you shared my childhood. I lived in what's called a "ravine" lot in which the cars always went too fast on a road with no shoulders. To torture local nighttime drivers, I took a three foot piece of aluminum foil and rolled one end around a stick. I tied the stick to a Zebco 202 fishing reel. I threw the fishing reel over a telephone line that went over the road and hid in the weeds next to the road. With the aluminum foil laying flat in the road, a perfectly timed tug on the string would appear to fly up in their headlights at the last second. No one died, never caught, lost one fishing reel. Yes it was stupid, and fun.
We used to tape lightly rocks bolts whatever we could find to the inside of the hub caps and also string up some beer cans to drive shaft so when the driver picked up speed the cans would come undone creating a nice commotion .And of course the snowballs until the last car was a cop car that we couldn't tell till it got past the tall hedges and yes direct hits too.
Vinagar baloon!...............Good one!..............When I was in Jr high in the mid 70's I swiped a fire extinguisher from school, it was the old style with a removeable cap and shrader valve so you could pressuerize with an air compressor or tire pump, my buddys mom was an avon rep and had tons of samples lying around, well, we dumped a bunch in and filled it to a 3rd with water and pumped it up, ended up driving around and hosing people from the back seat.................................Tom.
Vinagar baloon!...............Good one!..............When I was in Jr high in the mid 70's I swiped a fire extinguisher from school, it was the old style with a removeable cap and shrader valve so you could pressuerize with an air compressor or tire pump, my buddys mom was an avon rep and had tons of samples lying around, well, we dumped a bunch in and filled it to a 3rd with water and pumped it up, ended up driving around and hosing people from the back seat.................................Tom.

That sounds even better than the Mento bomb I tossed into the Teacher's lounge
That same jr high a few years later my brother was serving a few weeks of summer school, he said he wasn't involved but somehow a smoke bomb found it's way into a closed meeting including the school principal and some board members, created quite a stir I hear..................:biglaugh:................Tom.