Rusty McNeil needs your prayers

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The wife read this story and cried and asks about your child daily.It makes our worries so unimportant.Life is so precious especially that of a child.Still praying
Rusty thanks for the all the up dates. I would like to share this with you. I was in a coma for 7 1/2 weeks and in the hospital for 93 days much of that was in ICU. I know you are there daily with Ryan. The thing that hit me the hardest was when I was waking up was the feeling being scared, all the IV lines, the feed tube, the trake and the weakness I felt everywhere. I was alone when I woke up so it was even harder to get my bearings. Now that you are getting signs from her of getting better, tell her everyday that she is in the hospital, that she was hurt and the Dr.s and nurses are there to help her. It may seem like that would be a given. Hell I checked into the hospital myself but still after waking up there in the hospital, I did not realize it for a few days what had happened and all the missing time that I lost while in my coma.
You still have our thoughts and prayers. I have not stopped thinking about Ryan or you since we first was told about it.
Rusty thanks for the all the up dates. I would like to share this with you. I was in a coma for 7 1/2 weeks and in the hospital for 93 days much of that was in ICU. I know you are there daily with Ryan. The thing that hit me the hardest was when I was waking up was the feeling being scared, all the IV lines, the feed tube, the trake and the weakness I felt everywhere. I was alone when I woke up so it was even harder to get my bearings. Now that you are getting signs from her of getting better, tell her everyday that she is in the hospital, that she was hurt and the Dr.s and nurses are there to help her. It may seem like that would be a given. Hell I checked into the hospital myself but still after waking up there in the hospital, I did not realize it for a few days what had happened and all the missing time that I lost while in my coma.
You still have our thoughts and prayers. I have not stopped thinking about Ryan or you since we first was told about it.

Thank you for your insight. Appreciated!
And thank all of you for your outreach.
Ryan has been off the breathing machine for two days since they pulled her intubation tube. She is breathing completely on her own just fine, but very labored, and making a lot of noise cause she is agitated. (that's good thing) her eyes are opening but she isn't focusing or tracking movement yet. Technically she is by no means "awake"; She blinks or squeezes her eyelids shut if you bother her eyes so that's a good thing neurologically as well. *Her arms and kegs thrash sround quite a bit *Her cough, choke and gag responses are very good which is a big thing because it assures she won't need a trach tube to manage her phlegm and spit. Having a trach tube would limit her rehab options since all facilities won't accept patients with trach tube. We are still hoping her rehab will be In Houston area.*
Her agitation is mostly from withdrawals from the pain and sedation meds, they have her off the IV drip stuff (fentanyl and versed) and are doing different drugs (methadone and atavan) at intervals to wean her off the harder ones.*
Basically she is going thru withdrawals like a drug addict; which isn't unexpected and something they planned for. The latest meds (methadone and atavan) are the same ones that are used to detox and wean a drug addict to ramp her down gently and try to keep her comfortable. It's going to take maybe a week to get her off all of them. At that point perhaps a full assessment can be done on her neuro responses without the muting effects of all the pain and sedation meds.*
They are talking about moving her out of ICU pretty soon, within the next 7 days if not sooner. After that it's going to be months or full year of rehab before we really know to what level she may recover.*
Thank-you for keeping us in the loop Rusty with the encouraging news. As you know we are all praying and sending positive thoughts for Ryan's continued recovery. If there is anything we can do to help, for you and your family, just say the word.
Stay strong brother, you have our combined strengths to help you through this.
Im glad you are bringing us signs of a positive recovery. Now its only up to time to bring her back to her previous self. Slowly and patiently the recovery has to be in order for her to be back in full health. Thanks again for letting us know about the good news mate... Best wishes from this side...
I read with interest your medical update. Going to a stepdown ward from ICU is progress, having a gag reflex and a productive cough is progress, and gross motor movement of the extremities is another sign of things being better rather than worse.

You are getting an accelerated course in trauma care and recovery. It isn't easy, but she is young, and she appears to be making progress. We all are expecting you will be able to continue with the good news of her being farther-along. She is facing a prolonged recovery, but with support from her family and a competent medical team, the prognosis should be a good one.

I'm sorry, I forget, is she in Houston? I have been to both Ben Taub and to Memorial Hermann, and those are both fine facilities. She is getting good care if she is in either of those. Level 1 trauma facilities, both of them, that's the best there is.

I just went back and looked at the first posts, she is in Memorial Hermann, she is in good hands (see above).
Good tears this time when I read your up date!put a smile on my face !
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God bless you all and give you strength.
That is awesome news Bro! I am still and always hoping for the absolute best. It appears that everything is going as it should progress towards recovery be it slow or fast is still positive.. Man, seriously, thank you for keeping us all informed.
I cant tell much.... I'm just really happy for ur little girl that things are improving. Getting out from the ICU would be a really good step even if the recovery path can be long.

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