Terror in Orlando FL mass-casualty incident

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida

A single gunman killed at least 20 people at a nightclub in Orlando FL, according to preliminary reports. Check your local news outlets for further information.

10:23 am 6/12/16 Update: death toll now at 50 according to CNN News. Now called, "the worst mass-casualty shooting incident in American history." I am afraid the 'success' of this incident will inspire copycats.
More and more Fodder for the Anti Gunners just keeps coming...:bang head:
It was a gay club. The officer being interviewed didn't know if it was a hate crime or terrorism. Really:bang head: At least 20 people are dead, thousands of lives directly effected, and the big concern is properly labeling, so the correct group can claim the tragedy. The report says the shooter had ties to Islam, So he has both covered. Death to the infidel, and sharia law says homosexuality is punishable by death.
It was a gay club. The officer being interviewed didn't know if it was a hate crime or terrorism. Really:bang head: At least 20 people are dead, thousands of lives directly effected, and the big concern is properly labeling, so the correct group can claim the tragedy. The report says the shooter had ties to Islam, So he has both covered. Death to the infidel, and sharia law says homosexuality is punishable by death.

Yup, can't take a chance on blaming the wrong group of killers! :jerk it:
Aside from giving the gun control freaks more material it's discouraging to know that this level of ignorance still exists. Another example of why gun free zones need to be abolished.

Thoughts going out to the victims, friends and families of this senseless tragedy.
Aside from giving the gun control freaks more material it's discouraging to know that this level of ignorance still exists. Another example of why gun free zones need to be abolished.

Thoughts going out to the victims, friends and families of this senseless tragedy.[/QUOTE]

I'm not keen on gun free zones myself but if this was a club it probably had alcohol; alcohol and weapons do not mix well.
My prayers to the victims and families. I get the feeling that there is definitely an underlying story...and things are gonna get worse.
Aside from giving the gun control freaks more material it's discouraging to know that this level of ignorance still exists. Another example of why gun free zones need to be abolished.

Thoughts going out to the victims, friends and families of this senseless tragedy.[/QUOTE]

I'm not keen on gun free zones myself but if this was a club it probably had alcohol; alcohol and weapons do not mix well.

Your correct on that, not to many things mix well with alcohol aside from wings and cigars, but one armed security guard was unable to stop it. Possibly specially screened and armed bouncers would be a nice addition. I do agree with drinkers leaving the piece locked in the trunk.
My prayers to the victims and families. I get the feeling that there is definitely an underlying story...and things are gonna get worse.

I have that same sinking feeling....things are gonna get worse. There's a group of folks out there that hate us....totally & completely! And not just office workers in San Bernardino or gays in Orlando.....they hate ALL of us.

How could one guy shoot over 100 people?
How could one guy shoot over 100 people?

The circumstances made it easy unfortunately. Densely packed environment with ammunition designed to penetrate likely meant each round had multiple victims.

I am curious what "group" the shooter will fall under. It looks like it is leaning towards Islamic extremist over regular run of the mill nut job. Regardless the world is a better place without him however in the case of terrorism the gun ban lobby seems to get less ammo than if it is any other form of crazy person.

Prayers go out to the victims and families.
We will have all the facts shortly.....potus in gonna speak in 15 min. or so.

Yea, he's gonna tell us how the gun killed all those people. This will be interesting though. These are the 2 groups that he seems to rally around. LGBT and Islam are his ususal poster children.
POTUS will put his own twist on it to suite his agenda, it will be his stepping stone toward tighter gun control and no doubt Hillary will grab onto it and make it political too.

This morning I heard 20 killed and 43 injured but my son just left here and said 50 people were killed, now I see it has been updated to 50 dead making it the worst mass shooting in US Hx.

So much mourning and suffering today, for what? If by some outside chance there is really a hell then they are up by one shooter today.

EDIT, I just watched his disingenuous speech, I knew he would take a poke at guns besides being emotionless and having to read from notes. I would think if he had any real feelings about it he could speak from the heart. Fucking panty waste really said nothing.
The gun didn't kill these people, but it made it easier for the killer to kill so many.
a Bomb would have killed more. How about poison gas. A gernade. Lets keep our focus on the Individual, scumbag terrorist, not politsize the tool. I believe it was a gun that ended the tragedy. We've already had the gun debate here, and know where most of us stand, for or against, I just knew this would be used to further a political cause. You know, Never let a tragedy go to waste. ISIS claimed responsibility. Lets see if the Administration goes after the Perpetrator or the tool.
How many thoughts and prayers are enough? Every time this stuff happens I hear, "sending thoughts and prayers" and then do nothing. Maybe it is time to shit can the thoughts and prayers and have some action. It is the NRA and gun nuts who politicize gun control the most. The guy who did this is said to have bought the guns legally. By the NRA definition he was the "good guy with a gun". I find it hard to believe 300 people in Florida and no person was carrying. Sure it could have been a bomb, by the same token it could have been a single shot 22, but it wasn't. It was what it was. For what ever the reason, doesn't matter much to the dead. But if some official made a statement in a hurry and was wrong that would result in endless Congressional investigations, if a Democrat. When a person is on the do not fly list but can buy a gun something is terribly wrong as I am told by what I read. But I forget, I shouldn't say anything because I live in violent Mexico where stuff like this happens all the time. That is as sarcastic as I can say it.
a Bomb would have killed more. How about poison gas. A gernade. Lets keep our focus on the Individual, scumbag terrorist, not politsize the tool. I believe it was a gun that ended the tragedy. We've already had the gun debate here, and know where most of us stand, for or against, I just knew this would be used to further a political cause. You know, Never let a tragedy go to waste. ISIS claimed responsibility. Lets see if the Administration goes after the Perpetrator or the tool.

He'll go after the tool....no doubt!!

Garnering sympathy for having to stand up in front of the American people 15 times to announce senseless mass shootings....my take is slightly different.....there have been 15 mass shootings on his watch! Not exactly a resume' builder and I see at least partial responsibility leading right straight back to potus. Remember the big light show on the white house after the gay marriage vote....whadda you think that did for our popularity with the enemy? :blink000: