afraid my wife is loosing her mind.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
Rensselaer, IN
Something is up.

My dear wife has always been a bit tight with the funds. Thank heaven for that when times were tougher and I was out of work...

Been talking about getting a bobcat for a couple years (we're all into the off road bikes and quads and have a bit of land). Boom! This year she actually coughs up the loot. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Then starts talking about how nice it would be to have one of those "cute" toy haulers she started noticing at the boy's races. Going to pick one up this weekend.

Couple weeks after she started talking about toy haulers, she asks if I think my parents would mind watching the kids for a week?!
"I kinda wanna go to STURGIS with you" .........
Back to Rushmore shadows I go. This time in style.

What is she setting me up for?
"Jethro.....remember that Megabucks ticket I bought back in January.....the $750 Million one?"

She probably would have bought a Class A motorcoach if that happened, I bet.

My wife told me she would buy me a new bike if I got-rid of all the old ones I have along w/the old tools and building material I've acquired, & have sitting-around. I told her, "you know a new Ducati is >$16K, as-is the BMW GS (I pointed one out to her at the Starbucks), and a new VMax is $20K?"

"It all has to go for the 'deal," she replied.

What's the fun in that? Then what work would I have to look-forward to, having to fix spun rod bearings, broken-in-half camshafts, and replacing expensive electrical components? Wouldn't I miss having to tear-down carbs for periodic cleanings when the bike began to run like crap, and having to do those other repairs? And, isn't it the sign of a real man someone who can make a bike with an evil handling reputation (I also owned a Kawi 500 Mach III) perform? :rofl_200:

No, and yes.
She probably would have bought a Class A motorcoach if that happened, I bet.

My wife told me she would buy me a new bike if I got-rid of all the old ones I have along w/the old tools and building material I've acquired, & have sitting-around. I told her, "you know a new Ducati is >$16K, as-is the BMW GS (I pointed one out to her at the Starbucks), and a new VMax is $20K?"

"It all has to go for the 'deal," she replied.

What's the fun in that? Then what work would I have to look-forward to, having to fix spun rod bearings, broken-in-half camshafts, and replacing expensive electrical components? Wouldn't I miss having to tear-down carbs for periodic cleanings when the bike began to run like crap, and having to do those other repairs? And, isn't it the sign of a real man someone who can make a bike with an evil handling reputation (I also owned a Kawi 500 Mach III) perform? :rofl_200:

No, and yes.

Find an out of the way storage unit , pay cash each month . " Honey , they're all gone , can we get that new deal working ? "
be afraid...don't trust any woman. They are all out to get all of us as a group.
Jethro, i think the only logical explanation here is exactly what you named this thread.....she has lost her mind! Enjoy brother. Lol

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Jethro, i think the only logical explanation here is exactly what you named this thread.....she has lost her mind! Enjoy brother. Lol

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

Seriously......enjoy it before she finds it!!....her mind that is :rofl_200:
I think if i was you i would enjoy the trip to sturgis and at dinner i would have a super cool ankel bracelet or something she would like alot. spend around $300 on it. maybe even get her something now and something for sturgis. I got my wife a petoskey stone ankle bracelet when i was on a ride with some friends and my wife loves it. It is the best $30 i have ever spent. Its cool that your wife is trying so dont let it go on noticed.
Good thinking Mike. Problem is she gives me shit even when I buy things for her. I know she loves it, just something in her personality has the need to say something about the money spent. I'm not complaining, its just the way she is.
Sweetest woman. Does so much. Good to see her happy!..........A little too happy.........very suspicious.