rain suits

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
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lets get some oppions on rain suits every try frogg troggs. Lets keep it real not paying 500 bucks for one :punk:
My jacket, a Tourmaster Jett II is water proof and I wear nylon track pants (cheap and fold up nicely in my lunch bag) for my 20 minute ride to and fro work, don't know how well they work over a long period of time thou.
hey KJ. give a writeup once u test it? price aint bad either.
Paid $35 for mine. Shit, did fine in Sturgis with garabage bag over torso and bread bags over shoes/shins.
I've got Frogg toggs for on my Wing. I've got the one's the golfers wear, not the motorcycle ones....they are very light weight, do keep the majority if not all of the water out, and store in a tiny ball when not in use.

The only thing I'd worry about is if you had exposed pipes, that they would melt as soon as you touched a hot pipe. With my Wing they are great, but I don't know how they'd do on Max....they don't fit real snug, so they might flap around a bit. The thing I like the best is on a hot day's ride and it's raining, they breathe very well...none of the clammy feel you get with the plastic suits.
I've got the frog togg Road Toad suit but have only used it once. Rained pretty damned heavy when I did use it though. Stayed perfectly dry except for a little rain that ran down my neck. The pants were kinduva a problem though. They have no stretch, so when I straddle the bike, the pant legs kinda ride up my legs and then when I put my feet on the pegs, they ride up even more. I wear an 8 inch boot and with feet on pegs, the pant leg was about 3-4" higher than the top of my boot. Damn my long ass legs. But as far as waterproof- definately... comfortable- yes... lightweight- very.... also easy to store and carry. As previous poster related to, I've heard that hot pipes will kick their ass every time.
I have the Tourmaster Elite II jacket and have used it several times in heavy rain at freeway speeds and stayed bone dry. I had the chance to use it twice in my recent 2500 mile trip which it doubled as rain gear then a windproof layer to stay warm. It has a hood that is mostly mesh under the helmet but seals the neck from water all the way around save for a small spot in front.
I have the pants as well but I picked up some Fieldsheer Mercury 2.0 riding pants but they are not as weatherproof as the TM. The 2.0's are mostly waterproof but are prone to seepage when water pools between legs on seat.

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