The second amendment to the constitution of the united states

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After watching that I did a cross reference search because the department of homeland security also ordered almost 2 billion rounds of ammo. It seemed to strange of a coincidence to me. I found this article and it makes the same conclusion, We the people are definitely in for a bumpy ride in the next few decades. China wants our resources, Obama wants them to have it but and I quote "there is a gun behind every blade of grass." Obama and his administration are simply mowing the "grass":damn angry::damn angry::damn angry:
A whacked out Right Wing friend of mine just sent me an email about the Dept. of homeland security buying almost 3000 tanks for use on American streets. He is also an accountant and told me to research "Currency Wars" which I haven't yet but will. The U.S. military is prohibited from operating inside the borders of the U.S. but homeland security isn't. So guess what? Some want to keep pushing the idea of divisive politics, to keep everyone fighting one another while we all become serfs to the Super Wealthy. You all can keep tickling each other's testicles about Obama,and your second amendent rights while they are stealing your future and your children's future. I'm almost ready to believe both political parties are in bed with each other and neither has the best interest of the U.S. in mind.
I'm almost ready to believe both political parties are in bed with each other and neither has the best interest of the U.S. in mind.

About the only thing you've ever posted that I completely agree with you on

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A whacked out Right Wing friend of mine just sent me an email about the Dept. of homeland security buying almost 3000 tanks for use on American streets. He is also an accountant and told me to research "Currency Wars" which I haven't yet but will. The U.S. military is prohibited from operating inside the borders of the U.S. but homeland security isn't. So guess what? Some want to keep pushing the idea of divisive politics, to keep everyone fighting one another while we all become serfs to the Super Wealthy. You all can keep tickling each other's testicles about Obama,and your second amendent rights while they are stealing your future and your children's future. I'm almost ready to believe both political parties are in bed with each other and neither has the best interest of the U.S. in mind.

That, right there, is mighty hard to argue with!!

I'm trying to hold the line at tanks in the street, but damn man, there are a lot of things happening that just shouldn't be happening in the USA....yet they are!! It's disturbing, to say the least! :confused2:

Dave....No testicle tickling going on here....nope!! :eusa_snooty::eusa_snooty::eusa_snooty:
A whacked out Right Wing friend of mine just sent me an email about the Dept. of homeland security buying almost 3000 tanks for use on American streets. He is also an accountant and told me to research "Currency Wars" which I haven't yet but will. The U.S. military is prohibited from operating inside the borders of the U.S. but homeland security isn't. So guess what? Some want to keep pushing the idea of divisive politics, to keep everyone fighting one another while we all become serfs to the Super Wealthy. You all can keep tickling each other's testicles about Obama,and your second amendent rights while they are stealing your future and your children's future. I'm almost ready to believe both political parties are in bed with each other and neither has the best interest of the U.S. in mind.

Your buddy is right!
You guys ever think about the fire in Germany that started the couse of action that ultimately led to Germany becoming a full dictatorial state? The Reichstag fire? It seems to me more and more that we will very soon have our very own fire here in the USA there is still 3 years approx to go until the next election (unless we all get together wake up and call for Obama and ALL of the senate and congress to be impeached and re-elect new leaders that hold true the values of this United States.) or get this fixed. If there is civil unrest to the point where there is a looming civil disobedience or worse civil war then the president can and more than likely will declare martial law. This would be the icing on this presidents cake. The sad thing is that I believe the die has already been cast forged in the back room meetings of congress and the white house. The constitution and our rights are being disposed of at a very alarming rate with little to no regard to what the public is thinking or saying. I feel like a hippie holding on to a tree with a bulldozer bearing down on me. I am afraid that there will be no liberties for my little girl to grow up and enjoy. I only hope that I am wrong but doubt that I am....
After watching that I did a cross reference search because the department of homeland security also ordered almost 2 billion rounds of ammo. It seemed to strange of a coincidence to me. I found this article and it makes the same conclusion, We the people are definitely in for a bumpy ride in the next few decades. China wants our resources, Obama wants them to have it but and I quote "there is a gun behind every blade of grass." Obama and his administration are simply mowing the "grass":damn angry::damn angry::damn angry:

No one really commented about the no hesitation targets..

To me if it looks like a duck....quacks like a duck....its a fucking duck..

Just saw this. Thought it fit the conversation well.
Did you think Romney was suddenly going to be taking care of working people?
I had no illusions that Romney was going to be the savior. But at least we wouldn't be faced with another 4 years of lack of leadership and an aggresive stance against our Constiutional rights. Obama hasn't fixed anything!
Compared to whats happening now:bang head::bang head:..... "ABSOLUTELY"
I had no illusions that Romney was going to be the savior. But at least we wouldn't be faced with another 4 years of lack of leadership and an aggresive stance against our Constiutional rights. Obama hasn't fixed anything!


...He has fixed his place in history as the WORST president ever. lil Yimmy Carter was a lightweight compared to the idiot in chief.:bang head:
You guys ever think about the fire in Germany that started the couse of action that ultimately led to Germany becoming a full dictatorial state? The Reichstag fire? It seems to me more and more that we will very soon have our very own fire here in the USA there is still 3 years approx to go until the next election (unless we all get together wake up and call for Obama and ALL of the senate and congress to be impeached and re-elect new leaders that hold true the values of this United States.) or get this fixed. If there is civil unrest to the point where there is a looming civil disobedience or worse civil war then the president can and more than likely will declare martial law. This would be the icing on this presidents cake. The sad thing is that I believe the die has already been cast forged in the back room meetings of congress and the white house. The constitution and our rights are being disposed of at a very alarming rate with little to no regard to what the public is thinking or saying. I feel like a hippie holding on to a tree with a bulldozer bearing down on me. I am afraid that there will be no liberties for my little girl to grow up and enjoy. I only hope that I am wrong but doubt that I am....
I believe you are completly right,And would love to kick there asses to the moon,And dont believe any of our current leaders in gongress or senate or anywhere else represent us!We cant do it like occupy wall street!I feel like were between the devil and the deep blue sea!So is there an answer?I truly feel sorry for your child as i do for my grandchrildren.The goverment is hitting us like a steamroller one law after another.Not wanting us to have time to think.Hell im sorry for us all.Unify as a people or face the conequieces.:bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head:
Is this still active today. Puts all of us Veterans in question. And, I just got a very strange mailing from the V.A. today. Wanting to inform me that they will be able to disclose my Medical Information and ????? to pretty much any L.E. Agency,,, Federal, State or Local that requests it.:ummm:

Dave in Florida, The other Mexico.:confused2:

The Joint Threat Assessment memo entitled the “2010 State of the Union Address: Joint Threat Assessment”, which propagandized terrorism against Obama claimed that Obama would be attacked by a “lone offender” who would be a member of the US military. The JTA blueprint is a document classified as a deniable asset and could have come directly out of the Haaretz article.

The manufactured threat of US veterans stems from the 2009 Department of Homeland Security report entitled Rightwing Extremism . This report clearly outlined that veterans, because of their diverse training in tactical operations, would be a decisive threat to the US government’s plans to declare martial law against the American public in the near future. Defined in the document were domestic extremists, particularly white supremacists, were proposed to be the newest and most dangerous threat to the US since al-Qaeda.

The US Armed Forces havesuddenly discovered that white supremacists have infiltrated the US military and will the assistance of the FBI-sponsored Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Zionist-controlled Anti-Defamation League (ADL), they are creating a training course to teach active duty military how to spot those infiltrators in their own ranks.

The plot is laid out for a possible assassination attempt on Obama. The federal agencies involved are preemptively blaming theUS Veterans . The facts all point to a Zionist-sponsored scheme that is supposed to incite a race war in the US which would justify Martial Law.
Is this still active today. Puts all of us Veterans in question. And, I just got a very strange mailing from the V.A. today. Wanting to inform me that they will be able to disclose my Medical Information and ????? to pretty much any L.E. Agency,,, Federal, State or Local that requests it.:ummm:

Dave in Florida, The other Mexico.:confused2:

The Joint Threat Assessment memo entitled the ?2010 State of the Union Address: Joint Threat Assessment?, which propagandized terrorism against Obama claimed that Obama would be attacked by a ?lone offender? who would be a member of the US military. The JTA blueprint is a document classified as a deniable asset and could have come directly out of the Haaretz article.

The manufactured threat of US veterans stems from the 2009 Department of Homeland Security report entitled Rightwing Extremism . This report clearly outlined that veterans, because of their diverse training in tactical operations, would be a decisive threat to the US government?s plans to declare martial law against the American public in the near future. Defined in the document were domestic extremists, particularly white supremacists, were proposed to be the newest and most dangerous threat to the US since al-Qaeda.

The US Armed Forces havesuddenly discovered that white supremacists have infiltrated the US military and will the assistance of the FBI-sponsored Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Zionist-controlled Anti-Defamation League (ADL), they are creating a training course to teach active duty military how to spot those infiltrators in their own ranks.

The plot is laid out for a possible assassination attempt on Obama. The federal agencies involved are preemptively blaming theUS Veterans . The facts all point to a Zionist-sponsored scheme that is supposed to incite a race war in the US which would justify Martial Law.
@SpecOps, that is crazy. Personally I do not see how anyone can do anything but hold military retirees in high regard. Maybe it is simply how I was raised, but I was taught from day 1 to respect current and retired members of the armed forces. To have your country view you as a potential terrorist after dedicating a good portion of your life to serving is absurd. What really irks me is the fact that the people making these allegations never served their country in any worthwhile capacity (politics has shown that it is self serving first and foremost time and time again).

I personally have never served in the armed forces. However I have been contracted to all branches of the US military for the past 4 years and I can say that working with the individuals currently serving as well as a bunch of retirees within my company has been the best working experience in my life.

Thank you for all that you did while serving and I hope they quit trying to pull the wool over honorable veterans eyes.

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