What advice have you received that you never forget?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2013
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St. Louis
The human brain/mind fascinates me. Particularly what it chooses to flush from memory like a married man clearing out his browser history... and what it chooses to keep, no matter how insignificant.

"Always walk like you have some where to be, even if you don't."

That advice was given to me by my Uncle Dub back when I was in like 6th grade and for whatever reason, despite receiving thousands of other pieces of advice-- that is the one that has stuck in my brain for a lifetime. Maybe because I followed the advice and I feel in an odd way that it has worked for me throughout the years. Not just on the job where people assume I'm very busy even if I'm posting on motorcycle forums. But I think it may have had some sort of sub conscience effect in terms of just keep moving forward even if you don't know what you're moving towards.

But it had me curious. Is there any advice that you catch yourself reflecting on a lot over the years?
From my Dad " Never stand with your hands in your pockets when at work".

I've caught myself many times in my 40 years out in the work force. Catch other people doing it all the time.....never looks good.

Great post btw
Never dip your pen in company ink.
Never do things half-ass, you'll always come back and do the other half...later.
Never Judge-I worked through a few years of it here and on false accusations it still remains from a few who don't know any better and are afraid to admit they are wrong. I'm just glad it was proven and they know who they are. Live with it.
It takes longer to do it twice than to do it right, once! I love this forum, and learned a lot about my bike here. Learning about people based on the internet is tricky. That's why I meet as many as possible.
Own your mistakes, give an apology if it's due.

Never tell a woman you love her unless you mean it.

Cut toxic dramatic friends and family out of your life like a cancer.
A Grandfather like figure in my life told me once "If it feels good do it". I kind of laughed when he said that and he then said in a more serious tone " You may only get one chance at doing something, if it feels good do it" I didn't laugh that time but I have thought about that little bit of advice a lot since then.
Another piece of advice I picked up from an favorite author of mine, Samuel Clements, where he wrote: "Always do good, this will gratify some and astonish the rest". This really resonated for me, for whatever reason. I'm guessing my parents short 12 year run in my life may have taught me more lessons than I knew (or remember) but my foster families were all great to me and for me in many ways as well and still do
Good Post Kronx.
Advice on where to find a good mate, but it carries over to friends. A very good friend of mine asked his dad where to find a good woman. His answer " what do you find when you look in a dog house? I have found myself considering this simple question often thought my life. My dad also reminded his kids quite often (I'm the oldest of 10) that most people don't really listen to what they are being told, rather they spend that time trying to figure out how to respond.
"If you're going to do something bad then do it by yourself, that way you can't be ratted out".
You get what you pay for.

If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.

If you love someone, tell the often. You never know when the last time you'll be able to speak to them will be. (Last thing I told my brother before his motorcycle accident)
Do your best to remember and not to judge and when you do remember don't judge. Positive always attract's negative repel's and when both are applied correctly life can be great. Do it wrong and it will fuck you up the ass in a hurry.
I think this was from Henry Ford 'Whether you think you can, or you think you can't you're right'.

Many is the time I have surprised myself by achieving things that at the onset thought I might not.
Sometimes through bloody mindedness, sometimes by swallowing pride and asking for or accepting help, sometimes by good fortune.

The mind is the most powerful tool you have in your workbox.
If you are going to do a job, do it right and once. (My Dad, 40 year Veteran of GM, Service Tech)

Perfection is doing the job right. ( Myself, Asst. Staff Engineer, FAA Repair Center, Smiths Aerospace) 0% Tolerance of Failures.

3 Can Keep A Secret If 2 Are Dead... (Barry Barry. Hells Angels X)

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