Cuomo's on a roll

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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2009
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Elma NY

Cuomo Said,
"Our message is simple: tax scofflaws who don't abide by the same rules as everyone else are not entitled to the same privileges as everyone else," Cuomo said in a statement. "These worst offenders are putting an unfair burden on the overwhelming majority of New Yorkers who are hardworking, law-abiding taxpayers."
This quote is from a different article, on the same topic.

Doesn't seem to bad. Deadbeat tax payers being forced to pay up. NY does the same thing with car insurance. If your insurance lapses, they suspend your licence.

Here's the problem. I can rob you, kill your family, come here illegally, Sell your kids drugs and get free college. Those are "crimes against Individuals".
Now if you dare to not pay your taxes on time, $10,000 or more, the full weight of the State of NY will come down on you in every way possible. Fines, penalties, licence suspensions. "crimes against the state".

Lets go back to the Quote above that Cuomo made about this, and exchange "tax scofflaws" with "anyone". Screaming double standard:bang head:
Texas suspends any and all state issues licenses, including doctor lawyer engineer or state issued craft licenses like electrician and plumber for any owed taxes or fees, mostly used against child support dead beats.

Then again Texas has no income tax and minimal business tax, not for your first 10 years, for life.
In Oklahoma, if your behind on your taxes, like Texas, it will not allow you to renew any and all state issued craft licences.
In Oklahoma, if your behind on your taxes, like Texas, it will not allow you to renew any and all state issued craft licences.

In OK, you need a license to string beads together? :ummm::biglaugh:
A Couple Of Easy Fixes :

Term Limits

No legislation can be passed that does not apply to EVERYONE.

Hell...I'd be happy with just term limits, but I know that will NEVER pass. Kinda like congress (etc...) voting themselves pay raises. That should go before a vote of the people as well.
Well...consider the source.

We of The South shall avenge ourselves for the War of Northern Insurrection.
The two states always talked about for people leaving NY are Florida and Texas.

Both of those States also provide school aid to illegals.......not to incarcerated criminal though, as far as I know.
For what it's worth just about any state provides "school aid" to illegals.

Residency, in the form of a water bill, rental contract etc. is usually all that's need to register for public school paid for by the taxpayer. (In Texas specifically its the property owners, school funding is 100% on real estate taxes)

College tuition on the other hand I don't know how many are giving in state tuition rates to illegals. Texas does give it to them and I completely disagree with it.

Then on the other hand the argument can be made that our state has a symbiotic relationship with our illegal population
College tuition on the other hand I don't know how many are giving in state tuition rates to illegals. Texas does give it to them and I completely disagree with it.

That's what I was referring to.
Well lets face it...with the oil and gas industry, Texas isn't a bad state. Odessa with an unemployment of 4.7% and Midland at 4.3, can own a gun, and not get looked at like a terrorist.
I believe the reason for wanting to go to those states is because of taxes, and gun rights. Texas and florida have illegal issues because of their borders, weather by boat or land. NY invites them.
Well lets face it...with the oil and gas industry, Texas isn't a bad state. Odessa with an unemployment of 4.7% and Midland at 4.3, can own a gun, and not get looked at like a terrorist.

Back in the late seventies, early eighties, I had a gun rack in my truck, with my shotgun and 22 in it. We used to hunt the outskirts of town and when we were done we would just walk through town with our guns. Nobody batted an eye.
I believe the reason for wanting to go to those states is because of taxes, and gun rights. Texas and florida have illegal issues because of their borders, weather by boat or land. NY invites them.

Both Texas and Florida have higher crime rates than the guns come in handy. LOL

I doubt any state has higher taxes than NY however.

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