Interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election

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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Near New Orleans
Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul , Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election:

Number of States won by: Obama: 19 McCain: 29
Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000 McCain: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million McCain: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2 McCain: 2.1

Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.

Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.

If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegal's - and they vote -

then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.

Everyone should realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom..

This is truly scary! Of course we are not a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic . Someone should point this out to Obama. Of course we know he and too many others pay little attention to The Constitution. There couldn't be more at stake than on Nov 2012.

alorio. please don't take this the wrong way

and i'm not going to discuss my political views here.

but these types of 'facts' rarely get checked and its annoying to keep seeing them across the internet. where is the fact checking? i wouldn't care if it said the complete opposite, its just annoying when shit gets regurgitated and it may or may not have any basis.

If you don't think any of this is true and don't want to research it that's your buisness....I can only say that these type of post's upset those who support the one's in charge now. I am not discussing my political views neither, just posting the facts. So if this gives you the red ass, get yourself a can of green paint. I'm done here, it's people like you who want so silence the unknown facts just as you're leaders in Washington. I have said what I wanted to say and will withdraw my membership so others won't be annoyed and right now you are the only one complaining. Corruption trickles down in all forms , and I already have one leader that is so corrupted and I'm not going to be a part of an organization that will try and silence others that post what he or she post. When someone wants some one to silence, the information is usually hitting a nerve.....

alorio. please don't take this the wrong way

and i'm not going to discuss my political views here.

but these types of 'facts' rarely get checked and its annoying to keep seeing them across the internet. where is the fact checking? i wouldn't care if it said the complete opposite, its just annoying when shit gets regurgitated and it may or may not have any basis.

there is no need to withdrawal your membership here. i very much enjoy your contributions.

i was out of line and apologize.
na....I dont think you were out of line didnt really say anything wrong.
and FYI.... everyone has their own opinion need to trash anyone who doesnt agree with you.
2 things friends should NEVER discuss.... politics and religion!
agreed. i shoulda learned my lesson yrs ago
I am about as conservative as they come and really hate the current administration but I've gotten to a point where I no longer believe ANYTHING I see on the net. There is so much BS out there that gets passed around as gospel. Anyone can post anything they want as facts and it will get play on the net. Anyone with any PhotoShop experience can produce pictures that seem to verify the BS they are spouting. If something is emailed to me that is interesting, I usually check it out with Snopes before forwarding. Otherwise I just delete it. The net is mostly BS now. :damn angry:
It's not that hard to check facts on things. One time I got an eMail about how many Mexicans came in illegally in a year, so I got out a calculator and found out that given the rate claimed, Mexico would be empty of people roughly by 2006, starting from the date of the scared eMail that was sent to me.

This one is on a few of the hoax testers... <= the Snopes people actually contacted the professor, and he never said any of that.
The Fact-Check site goes item by item for you detailing where it's wrong.
The Truth-or-Fiction site has similar results as the others.
The Urbanlegends folks have good details on how this one was reused over different elections as a form letter where it just changes the name to the current target.

I've been in IT ever since I retired form The Marines, and I went so far as to teach college students how to research Internet claims... Like the Tome Logo banker, etc. The trouble is, when it says what we want to believe we won't check it, and we will defend it.

I found over the years that the spreaders of false hoods have sent it to everybody they know in about 15 seconds, and it took me 1 hour to properly research facts to send back to 1 person. Lies will always win in the short game. Sad but true.
ugh. i know i should keep my mouth shut but thats sort of the reason i said it. those facts sounded a lot like the bush fiasco, and hyped up at that.

anyways that is all.
It's not that hard to check facts on things. One time I got an eMail about how many Mexicans came in illegally in a year, so I got out a calculator and found out that given the rate claimed, Mexico would be empty of people roughly by 2006, starting from the date of the scared eMail that was sent to me.

This one is on a few of the hoax testers... <= the Snopes people actually contacted the professor, and he never said any of that.
The Fact-Check site goes item by item for you detailing where it's wrong.
The Truth-or-Fiction site has similar results as the others.
The Urbanlegends folks have good details on how this one was reused over different elections as a form letter where it just changes the name to the current target.

I've been in IT ever since I retired form The Marines, and I went so far as to teach college students how to research Internet claims... Like the Tome Logo banker, etc. The trouble is, when it says what we want to believe we won't check it, and we will defend it.

I found over the years that the spreaders of false hoods have sent it to everybody they know in about 15 seconds, and it took me 1 hour to properly research facts to send back to 1 person. Lies will always win in the short game. Sad but true.

If you done a Google on Snopes you missed this one.................
I realize it hard to tell the difference between false and truth and I don't feel like I should have to post my research on every post I make, whether it's info on repairs or just info in the Burnout Pit where anything can be discussed. I am positive I have posted wrong info on some repair problems a member was looking for answers to, but does everyone here researches an answer before posting it ?
This forum has the best diagnostic team I have ever been affiliated with, and Buster Hymen does an outstanding job keeping it going along with his excellent team of moderators. I spend a lot of time on here educating myself on how to keep my Vmax going and if I see where I can help another member with a question or problem I will do so. I try not to step on anyone's toes but have on a couple occasions. I will miss the site tremendously, I just don't like being told to shut up, sit down and quit posting regurgitated information....I sent Buster a request last night to end my membership but have not heard back from him, I just don't want anyone to think I'm hanging around to see responses.........
You are probably right. I do go the extra mile to look into things. I had a thing in my past where a guy committed suicide. His note was "I have no friends." My problem was I caught him siphoning gas from my car, and it ended our friendship. After that, I made it my business to make people not like him. I don't remember telling any lies about him, but I do remember being a dick and going too far.

After that I started to see the trail of bad things that came from words, and noticed a lot of the bad words were false. So when I hear bad things about somebody, I check them a bit more. It's way worse to convict the innocent than it is to accidentally free the guilty. That's kind of what our country was founded on.
Bummer to have to carry that around with you, I've said/done a lot of things in my past that I'm very regretful for, I try to make up for that by living good and doing right by people, I figure the person with the most friends in the end is the winner!.......................:biglaugh:
I think that's ridiculous. You are not responsible for others actions.

Ask the mother of the child who was murdered because lawyers found a loophole to let the guilty go free, what she thinks about letting the guilty free.

This country was founded on personal responsibility. This country was founded on hanging the rapists and murderers.

Now you can't even protect your family on your own ranch if Mexican drug smugglers decide they want to cross the border illegally.

This country was founded on morals and principals, not Liberalism and Marxism. And deffinately not communism.

Why is it that every time someone points out that our current president is doing a horrible job, you all mention Bush. Bush sucked too. But Obama doesn't suck as a leader because of Bush.
Obama sucks as a leader and as a president because of his beliefs.

He believes that I should have to pay for shaniquas insurance because her baby's daddy bought rims for his car and now he's wining that he needs food stamps.

He believes that the responsible should be punished for the irresponsible's mistake.

How many people here believe that they are entitled to handouts??? Free healthcare. 2 years of unemployment benefits. Food stamps, because you spent your money on weed.

Or maybe you just feel entitled to buy a $500,000 house with 0% down, and them blame the bank that you can't afford your mortgage.

The country was founded by a bunch of land rich, cash strapped men who thought they could get a better deal for their goods on the open market.
That's sad Blurr. You can't just change history and facts to your pleasing.

This country was founded by brave men who didn't want to live under the rule of kings and queens.

This country was founded by people who understood that freedom is your God given right, not a right given to you by a government.

That your rights come from God. Not from men.

And if you can't respect the people who died so that you could be a free man in a free land, then go to Cuba. Go to Venezuela and stop bitching about evil white man.

Go to Iran and be raped for being gay, or speeking your mind.

Go to North Korea. Have fun. Send us a postcard of you and your vmax.

Our prisoners have more rights and freedom than their civilians.

"In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."

We were the only country to stand up to the nazis.

We were the only country to fight for the weak when they couldn't defend themselves.

We harbored the refugees when they had nowhere else to go.

This country is Great because of men who were brave enough to stand up to the cowards who knew only how to complain about the success of others.
Holy shit alorio, have a beer or something. You've been here over a year and racked up 600+ posts, and now you want to jump ship over a political disagreement? Are you kidding me?


All Garrett was trying to say is don't believe everything you see. I realize some people spend a lot more time online than others and might not be as privy to the immense amounts of 100% pure BS that's floating around the web. You posted a well known chain email that crops up every time a local PTA board elects a new cookies and koolaid buyer, tweaked to include new candidates names and some extremely dubious "statistics". It's almost as well known as the "nigerian scam" or "foreign lottery winner" emails. It was around for the 2000 election, the 2004 election, and of course the 2008 election. Guess what? It'll be around for the 2012 election too. Do you get all pissed when some Harley guy calls your bike japscrap or says his sportster puts 200hp to the ground? laugh at them and move on because you know the joke's on them.

Do I expect every single post everyone makes to be researched and fact-checked? Of course not(though Fire-medic seems to, good for him). But posting, to me at least, laughably fictitious stats and then getting all pissed and defensive when somebody calls BS on it seems incredibly childish. Statistics is known as the "liar's science" with extremely good reason. Hell...there was a chapter in the statistics textbook about "reporting ethics".

mathguy is right....bogus stats are everywhere and sheeple tend to just lap them up like antifreeze at a petting zoo without giving them a second's thought, not realizing they're getting someone else's agenda stuffed down their throat with all the grace of a frat boy with a drunk date. Wow....5000 kids die in (third world country) every day from hunger? Better donate to that feed the children charity where $0.15 of every dollar actually gets to "the children". Never mind the fact that if 5000 kids died every day, there wouldn't be any kids left in a month.

I'm not "left", "right", republican, or democrat. I'm pro-America and anti-bullshit, and neither party delivers those two simple values.
No thank you, I don't really like the taste of Kool-Aid.

This country was founded by men who originally had no quarrel with the concept of the monarchy but the treatment at the hands of one monarch.

This country country was founded by men who decided to "... hold these rights..." as endellable.

Rights may in fact come from God, but it is worth noting that the God of the American founders was the same God of the Jewish people. Let it be further noted that the Jewish people never had a republic; they did have a theocracy and a monarchy though.

As for my respect and whom I hold in it, you go to far in asuming you have any clue where mine lie. George Washington is a life long idol of mine. Pick a date and I can tell you where he was,what he was doing and how he was getting on. I can also tell you he spent nearly his entire adult life in deep debt. So much so that when He left his home to travel to the then capital of Philadelphia, George Washington had to get a loan to pay for the trip. More over, the first person the went to turned him down as George W. was not a 'safe' investment. That is a fact about my personal role model's life.

As to where I can go; I have a list of where you can go too, it's much shorter.

We were patently NOT the only nation to stand up to the Nazi.

You can not claim the moral high ground of offering suffrage to the down trodden and demand that we develop an iron clad defense against the influx of that down trodden in the same breath and hope to retain a shred of intellectual honesty.

Now for your last sentence. What? ...stand up to cowards...? I have no idea how to decipher the ideological nugget locked in that bit of snarled gibberish.

Now, with your volley retuned, there would normally be some attempt at solicitude. Maybe a few lines about how much I detest Oboma or how I've voted republican my whole life. Blah blah about my radio preset all being Rush/Glen/Handity. Followed by yadda yadda sorry for the misunderstanding. That would be the normal progression.

You how ever read one factual statement and projected your own stereotypical misconceptions on me. You took me from a member of 'us' to the hated 'them' based on what? Cause I had the audacity to suggest that there may be more mudane reasons contributing to the American Revolution then the high moral tones it is often coached in? Your blinding lack of objectivity is matched only be you're blind wishfulness that the narrow set of facts you cling to would be the only fact contributing to the shape of history. Is that a result of you having reached the limit of your ability to compute relative facts? Does the act of re-evaluating your beliefs in light of a fuller view of historical facts threaten you? Or is it just too much trouble.

Fact: The Founding Fathers espoused a high moral code.
Fact: Slavery,bribery,adultery, licentiousness, back stabbing and backbiting was as much a documented part of every day life among them as tier acts of valor.

Ya, I'm done with this one, NEXT...
Now, Blurr, that's much better. I mean, if you are going to contribute your Opinion to a thread, you might as well take the time to write a little more than an incorrect 1 liner.

In regards to the Jewish God... I am Jewish. I was raised in Israel. Surprised? I fouht in the Israeli military. In fact, my unit was responsible for the training of the Marines, Rangers, and Green Barets after 9/11. When this country was attacked by monsters who want so desperately to destroy what your idle fought to protect.

Slavery? My ancestors were slaves Long before Africans ever sold their own people to slave ships.

George Washington Poor? WhAt happened to " founded by land rich, cash strapped men"??? My ancestors wandered 40 years through the desert, without anyone to borrow money from.

As far as Rush/ Glenn/ Hannity goes... You must have missed Glen's message:

Don't walk around demeaning our fore fathers and disrespecting the people who died fighting to protect your freedoms. Without them you would not be here today. And if you can't respect that, than yes, go to Cuba. Personally, I would rather go to Hell.

I must say though, you have a beautiful vocabulary. Unfortunately, big words don't make you smarter. Like Glenn always says; you can put a pipe in your mouth and elbow patches on your jacket all you want professor.

It's how you live your life and treat your neighbors.

And it's just sad how you attempt to compare welcoming in the holocaust survivors with open arms, to trying to protect our children from drug smugglers and terrorists. There is a path to citizenship. Come here Leagally.

Don't claim in the same breath that there should be no borders, but this used to be MY land.

Yes Blurr, maybe you should have realized that you Chose the wrong words to describe the men that fought so you could stand here today, a free man, free to express your beliefs, even if they are a bit twisted and bi-polar.

But who am I to say anything... I'm just a Junior member. :)