Keep our brothers in your prayers

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
Milton, Ontario Canada

I wanted to ask the entire group here to keep a couple of our brothers who are Police officers currently in Toronto in their prayers. These two gents are out there in riot gear facing potential violence right now while we sit comfortably in our homes. As I am very good friends with both of them I will say that I will not sleep well tonight for the worrying I will be doing for their safety. Know that some of the guys here don't particularly care for the police, but I know that in this instance they too will join in with me in hoping that our bretheren come home safe and sound to their families. :eusa_pray:
They have my best wishes, and I hope that they're allowed to beat the snot out of those thugs.
A protest is one thing, burning buildings, and destroying property is another.
Hopefully everything calms down soon now that it's started raining there. Or at least help with the fires.
Been riveted to the TV all night watching and hoping it will calm down. The Police Chief for Toronto says they are thinking it may get worse yet as the folks that are starting the violence haven't succeeded in getting to the Security Barrier that is their stated goal. Know that one of the guys from here is directly on the front line and the other is at a location known only to the authorities, but close enough to the action I am sure. Watching how thinly spread the police lines look compared to the crowds is a bit spooky! What really impresses me is the restraint being shown by the police. I would have been sorely tempted to put the smack down on the punks and they stood their ground and showed nothing! Amazing to me for sure.
I've heard one little blurb about it on ABC news here. Other than that, nothing, nadda.
I'm keeping up on it online since these "news" sources don't want to tell me anything about it (not that I'd believe them anyway)
Last I heard, the M5s were going to the front line to keep the security barrier from being breached as opposed to earlier when the police were armed with their sidearms and a few gas guns only.
Scary shit for sure.......I never understood the mob mentality.......:damn angry:
Just watched some of the news footage and that's just fucked up. It looks like rise of the zombies with a few evil doers thrown in. Kinda of a surreal atmosphere.

My thoughts go out to the police and innocent bystanders that are in a bad situation.

Just watched some of the news footage and that's just fucked up. It looks like rise of the zombies with a few evil doers thrown in. Kinda of a surreal atmosphere.

My thoughts go out to the police and innocent bystanders that are in a bad situation.

Just watched some vids too.
Its sick.

Let our brothers be safe.
Hope the guys remain safe! I don't understand the mentality that in order to have their cause heard/ noticed they resort to violence??? It seems counterproductive. I guess it maybe shows that the views are extreme?
The troublemakers are not there to legitimately protest. Their stated goal was to come in and cause as much disruption as they could using violence. Police were aware of their intent, just not how they were going to carry it out. These guys and gals are idiots, the TV stations were filming them changing their clothes and got video of a lot of their faces. Little Joey and Susy are going to get a rude awakening when cops in ski masks kick in their doors and haul them out in handcuffs:eusa_dance:
Every 'special interest' group going uses an event like this as a platform to wave their flags, trouble is the assholes also bring a bag full of golf balls to throw thru windows. Don't get me wrong, I have as much sympathy for the plight of the Sri Lanka Tamil Tiger as the next guy but how the fuck does breaking the windows out of The Bank of Montreal help them? :confused2:

I sincerely hope our v max brothers, as well as everyone else on the task force, manages to get thru this without harm. :worthy: