Penetrating oil

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Well-Known Member
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Jun 16, 2009
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Maryville , Tennesee
I have a Kerker pipe on this 86 of mine that I tried to remove before I sold the bike the first time & never could get either rear pipe to budge. I sprayed PB Blaster on it every day for a week & nothing. I kept hearing the old mith of mix 50% Transmission Fluid & 50 % Acetone so I fiured what have I got to lose at this point. I mixed some up & sprayed it on the pipes & with an hour one of them came lose one of them is still stuck but hopefully it will come lose. I dont know if I will ever buy any PB Blaster again.
Thanks for the good tip! I've never heard of that mixture before and never used PB Blaster but I've been using a product called Aero Kroil for years. I work at a power plant and the mechanics use it a lot. Mike
Hmm, interesting tip. Have to remember that in the future. I've always used pb blaster but will give this a try next time I need to "motivate" some bolts to come loose.
mouse milk, not from the vermin but its a liquid you can get, super good stuff. tried the old melt the wax trick to get sucked up into threads? another good stuff if you can get your hands on it is liquid dye pen. that stuff if a neg gravity liquid so it goes everywhere and gets into cracks and loosens off bolts. just try to keep it off your cloths and hands then go to the night club with black lights, you will look greenish hahahaha
Thanks Cap, I've used atf straight when I didn't have anything else and had good luck. The acetone must make it thin enough to get into everything. Will try it
Wow, they wouldn't budge no matter what we did yesterday... I was really wondering if somebody tac welded them together... With enough work time hope the other comes loose.. Guess there's no myth to this anymore....
I've always had good success with Zepreserve. It's another penetrant oil.
Wow, they wouldn't budge no matter what we did yesterday... I was really wondering if somebody tac welded them together... With enough work time hope the other comes loose.. Guess there's no myth to this anymore....
Nope mo myths I will always have a bottle of this around now. I sure hope the other one comes loose so I can get that engine out with out a bunch of work.
Ive used kroil in the past with great results on rusted bolts. Its super thin and gets into everywhere. At work i deal with a lot of friction welded stainless steel fasteners in high vac systems (really clean). I use acetome or methanol alcohol on them. Theyre so thin they manage to slip in and provide just a slight bit of libricity while still wet. Ill have to keep the mix in mind.
i take it you also applied heat to it, that helps for sure.

are you selling the kerker? looking for a can
CaptainKyle may just have that spare can you're looking for. He bought 2 and shortened one for the bike it's coming off.. You will need to cut to length and an adapter to make the fit but the can he cut sounds Awesome...
CaptainKyle may just have that spare can you're looking for. He bought 2 and shortened one for the bike it's coming off.. You will need to cut to length and an adapter to make the fit but the can he cut sounds Awesome...

cool thanks for the tip ill drop him a line
i take it you also applied heat to it, that helps for sure.

are you selling the kerker? looking for a can
This was with out heat it just came lose. I tried heat a and PB back in December before I sold the bike & it did not budge this time all I used was teh 50/50mix no heat Imight have to use heat on the 2nd pipe though. I am gonna sell the Kerker once I get it off its got a boss hoss can on it & like Dave said I have an extra boss hoss can.
ya im sure the heat will help you, if you could start the bike that would be a good way to get heat into it then work on it right away or just use a propane torch, get her real warm and with the 50 mix should help.

was looking for a kerker can itself, oh well the search goes on
ya im sure the heat will help you, if you could start the bike that would be a good way to get heat into it then work on it right away or just use a propane torch, get her real warm and with the 50 mix should help.

was looking for a kerker can itself, oh well the search goes on
The best stuff is whatever you can steal from work! I'll try the Kyle's secret mixture next time I have some stubborn metal parts.
The best stuff is whatever you can steal from work! I'll try the Kyle's secret mixture next time I have some stubborn metal parts.
Well I have to steal it from my own garage :rofl_200: I used to get lots of stuff when I had my goverment job guess I should have stayed working there & stocked up. Damb I had a hall pass & never got tickets when I worked there either what the hell was I thinking moving to Florida.