It's friday...whatca gonna do?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
Reaction score
Brimley in Michigan's U.P.
Whoo Hoo! It's Friday, you've had your nose to the grindstone all week but now comes the weekend! Whatca gonna do?
>You have plans with family or friends?
>You and your friends have a great ride planned?
>Your going to tackle that mod you received parts for earlier in the week?
I'll go first, I have some new HH brake pads, a set of ebay hayabusa calipers, and a set of adapters from Sean. I also have a new Shinko I need to get put on. I'll be in Vegas until Thursday so maybe I can bribe my brother to get it taken care of while I'm gone.:punk:
gotta close the pool up after work, then its the ladies only night off.

gotta move some couches tomorrow and maybe install ebc rotor/pads/ rebuild caliper.
party tomorrow night.

ride sunday? hopefully. we'll see on weather.
grocery shiopping today, than tomorrow and sunday if it doesn't rain, put away the pool stuff and straighten out the garage.

Due to my work schedule Friday is my Tuesday so :confused2:
Hoping the weather clears enough so Trevor and I can get out for a ride on Sunday afternoon. Otherwise it is Ringette games both days for me and getting ready for winter tear down of Toxic.
I'm hoping that Sunday won't be raining so I can drive my Max over to the parents and store it in the basement for the season... I haven't ridden it but 3 times this year with all the crap we've been doing. I'm getting married in just over a month so I want to get it stored before then. Plus it's getting cooler out and I don't ride in cold weather.

Tearing open the carbs to replace a jet block gasket that looked questionable when I cleaned them..Then replace the dyno jet 170 mains that came with the bike with 155 minuki's. Check float heights while I'm at it , resync carbs and see how she does now..Ohhh fogot to mention having a few cold ones while doing so :) Hopefully take a hike on Sunday and get some more trim work done in the house.
You do know you can replace the mains without taking the bowls off right?

Just making sure...
Its mt B-Day today so I might just kick back & do no work maybe take a ride & then hit my local Tiki bar tonight & go sailing with the captain.
Happy B-Day kyle,
sounds like a fun night planned.
I can`t drink anymore due to acid reflux and ulcers so you have to do the drinking for both of us, just make sure that you have a way to get home safe.
Take care and have a long island iced tea for me tonight.:biglaugh::biglaugh:
Have fun,
Right now I`m going to put my carbs back on the bike and and try out the #150`s jets and see if that worksout the lean problem but if it dosen`t, I`ll pop em out and wait for the 152.5`s to get here and try those out.
Anyway I still have to synch them and play with the A/F screws too. I got no real plans for the weekend so plenty of play time maybe go thrift store hopping.
just got out of work. gonna have a cocktail or two, bang my wife, eat din, watch a movie and pass out till I can fire up the max tomorrow
Cold rainy day today and evening to follow. Will sit back and watch a movie with the wife tonight more than likely.

Working Saturday.. Most weekend will be spent licking my wounds, don't feel like doing much else 'til it heals up.

I wish I was better already I really need to spray my spare tank then start ripping the bike apart to fit it, and get started on the motor mounts at the same time.

Plus it looks like I may have to get to the valve stem seals too, considering my little oil leak..

Happy Bday Kyle!!!! :happybday::happybday: Have a few swigs of the Captain on me! :cheers::th_favorites24::th_wine::th_drink:
I forgot to mention that I will be spending 4 hours on Saturday watching the Wolverines beat the point spread againt the Spartans on their home field! :punk:

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