New York & gun control

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Yea but how many people died from a knife lastnight? Or alcohol? Or shit just driving there car? More than five im sure. Hate how media pins guns as a killing machine but yet doesnt post anything on how much everyday machines or goods kill people
If you were to search david, you can find any horrible event you want, but you will find less about guns than you will about, lets say automobiles. So, with that in mind I bring you to this bit of news:
Once again no outcry about:
"Each day, more than 15 people are killed and more than 1,200 people are injured" *



Written by me with satirical humor, much like a liberal might rant in a moral outrage.
(maybe I should join Danny(I know you didn't Danny!:biglaugh:) on the liberal side? I think I could be a copy writer for these idiots and make millions! If only I had no brain, no spine, no morals, and was just plain greedy would it work! Thankfully, I am not of that ilk!)
People die of old age too. What is that have to do with excessive gun violence? A guy fishing and drinking with his buddies died from swallowing fish. With your logic killing innocent people is OK because someone died from swallowing fish. At some point discussion has to be rational. it seems that one person's right to live is superceeded by someone irrational adherence to something called second amendment. Accepting irresponsible use of guns will lead to the loss of the second amendment. If gun owners want to continue owning guns they need to step to the forefront in finding solutions instead of continuing to make dumb, tired, old, wornout excuses.
I seem to remember have a similar discussion with some Harley Davidison owners about loud pipes. With their refusal to conrol their own open exhausts they have ruined it for everyone else in communities throughout the U.S.

Thank you for posting that. That goes to prove what a lot of us have said on here. law abiding people obey the law...criminals wont. It is obvious that he didnt buy those guns anywhere, so he STOLE any criminal would...and used them to commit murder.

So...this is a VERY good way of showing that a ban on AR-15's (etc)...will only keep them out of the hands of law abiding people....and that criminals dont care about the law and will steal, and kill whom ever they chose. Thank God that I dont live next door to him...he could have stolen a hammer from me to kill those people since it is obvious that he wishes to kill them at all cost...
People die of old age too. What is that have to do with excessive gun violence? A guy fishing and drinking with his buddies died from swallowing fish. With your logic killing innocent people is OK because someone died from swallowing fish. At some point discussion has to be rational. it seems that one person's right to live is superceeded by someone irrational adherence to something called second amendment. Accepting irresponsible use of guns will lead to the loss of the second amendment. If gun owners want to continue owning guns they need to step to the forefront in finding solutions instead of continuing to make dumb, tired, old, wornout excuses.
I seem to remember have a similar discussion with some Harley Davidison owners about loud pipes. With their refusal to conrol their own open exhausts they have ruined it for everyone else in communities throughout the U.S.
What has the Federal goverment done other than pile on more laws? Biden even admits that they cannot keep up with the paperwork they have now, so they are adding more paperwork? That makes their whole idea of more gun control illogical and susspect. If they cannot keep up with the paperwork of what purpose are the new laws? A feel good gesture or what? Has their inabilty to enforce their laws led to more gun problems? Could their be other factors influencing an inanimate object directing it's purpose upon a person(s)?
The bottom line Dave is that 'man' is a very violent species and been killing his fellow man since the beginning of time. Nothing is going to stop this, banning guns, knives, baseball, the killing is NOT going to stop, it's the nature of man.

If some people choose to posess guns, they will....get used to it and you might want to say a little prayer that one of those irrational 'second ammendment clingers' is sitting next to you in the theater if you are unlucky enough to be in one of those situations.

What needs to be recognized here is that a weapons ban only removes weapons from the hands of the law-abiding citizens....the others, the gang bangers, smugglers, drug dealers, snakeheads.....(the list is endless) aren't going to give a pinch of possum shit about your gun control regs....they're already on the wrong side of the law, these regs won't affect them one bit!

But if you think this big gun control movement will cut down on horrible, senseless killings.....well my friend, what you gonna do when it doesn't? Ban pick-up trucks, gas cans, bleach, brake fluid, swimming pool chemicals......un fucking believable! :wacko:
How come daves from mexico and wants excective orders on gun control in the US??? Hmmmm
Trying to get away from all the drugs and guns in the U.S. maybe? :biglaugh:
Watch out! Obama like to send the goverments extra guns to mexico! He's working on the paperwork so he'll know where they all go.:rofl_200:
Dave in Mexico's concerned Because he doesn't want to see any more Fast And Furious Firearms Deliveries from our Hypocritical Current Government.
If we do have guns banned here, I'm sure the Mexican Government would be glad to supply the Criminals in America with many more.:bang head:

All new gun laws on the legal owners here will do is drive the gun crimes to unprecedented levals... (UNPRESIDENTED, NOW THERE'S A STRAY THOUGHT).:ummm:
What has the Federal goverment done other than pile on more laws? Biden even admits that they cannot keep up with the paperwork they have now, so they are adding more paperwork? That makes their whole idea of more gun control illogical and susspect. If they cannot keep up with the paperwork of what purpose are the new laws? A feel good gesture or what? Has their inabilty to enforce their laws led to more gun problems? Could their be other factors influencing an inanimate object directing it's purpose upon a person(s)?

In the haste to capitalize on the emotion and drama around Sandy Hook Elem. some real bullshit legislation has been jammed the case of NY, in the middle of the night. How ridiculous was the NY bill?....included in the ban were the sidearms worn by the New York City police department!! What the hell were they thinking of when they drew this crap gun control advocates (the few with your heads out of your asses) that think the lawmakers have your best interests at heart, might want to take another look at this situation!
Dave, same question I asked that Mike guy in Michigan....if the unthinkable happens and 2 or 3 extremely bad individuals come crashing thru your front do you propose to protect yourself and your family?

Simple question.
Dave, same question I asked that Mike guy in Michigan....if the unthinkable happens and 2 or 3 extremely bad individuals come crashing thru your front do you propose to protect yourself and your family?

Simple question.

lol....So.....what did Mike have to say?
Probably hide under bed and call the police like they do in the movies. Because they always gets there before something bad happens
Can't do anything about it, so pile on the guns and shoot anything that moves. This is freedom? freedom from what?
This person illustrates the irrational fear that those whom have been indoctrinated into a socialist/statist mindset display.
He say's "gun violence". As if guns just kill without humans deciding to use them to kill. This term is repeated often by the anti-gun statists.
Guns are essentially outlawed in Mexico, yet organized crime rages without fear of the mexican government, and law enforcement, largely because both are on the payroll of the cartells. Can't easily buy a rifle? No problem, thousands of Mexican special forces and other combat troops have stolen their true automatic weapons, and are now employed by the cartels executing people at will.
He blames law abiding gun owners for the acts of murderers. He blames each of you that own a firearm, and our second ammendment for murder. He would deny the elderly, infirm, weak, and the female gun owners the ability to defend themselves from the scum that is permeating our country.

I believe he has no real knowledge of the concept of freedom. Dave is fine with mass murders walking the street as long as they have no firearms.
This mindset is EXACTLY WHY WE HAVE A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. This illogical, kneejerk, hoplophobic idiocy is how the anti second amendment crew truely think.