VMOA site down?

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You know Buster, before we went live with the new VMOA site I was concerned about disaster recover and Kelvin assured we had backups. Apparently, not everything. Ooops.

Well here is the REAL issue with the site!


He doesn't even have a back up of the database!!!

You know Buster, before we went live with the new VMOA site I was concerned about disaster recover and Kelvin assured we had backups. Apparently, not everything. Ooops.


Oh SNAP! :surprise: Good find B!

To answer the database backup question.... no i do not have a back up on my machine....

Are you suggesting that maybe the host might have a recent back up?

Are you volunteering? :)

Here's what the bylaws say about website administrator.

Other volunteers and service providers may be appointed and hired as the association sees fit in order to properly handle association business. These providers do not gain any authority, Directorship or vote by virtue of that position. At this time these services consist of a merchandise store admistrator, membership administrator, webmaster, and magazine editor. If the services are paid, the position is open for competing bids or free volunteers at all times. A lower bid must be accepted if the current provider is unwilling to match it and the Directors approve the new provider by 2/3 majority vote with all officers voting. If any service is unsatisfactory the Directors may replace that provider by vote at any time even if the resulting cost is higher.
Okay, I'm going to pull and Arsenio Hall.

"Buster, Buster, Buster..woo-woo-woo-woo"


Just so you all know Kelvin approached me in Nov of 06 because he liked what I created here. I told him I would do the same for the VMOA for NO COST including no cost administrating, back ups etc... everything that I do here. Then, for what ever reason, they went with Steve, who charges them!! Rather tragic....
No database backup? thats screwing the pooch. :th_analprobe:

I wonder about the other clients he mentioned.
Just so you all know Kelvin approached me in Nov of 06 because he liked what I created here. I told him I would do the same for the VMOA for NO COST including no cost administrating, back ups etc... everything that I do here. Then, for what ever reason, they went with Steve, who charges them!! Rather tragic....

WOW! That says something about a person and an organization... :whistlin:

:bang head:

Vbulletin offers sooooo much more... That's probably why most newer forums are using it...:icon_rolleyes:
I wasn't disagreeing with ya. Just that VMOA should've done research and not let Jasse pick XOOPS. I was just being a smart ass.

I wasn't disagreeing with ya. Just that VMOA should've done research and not let Jasse pick XOOPS. I was just being a smart ass.


OK I just wanted to make sure you didn't think I was bitching as I do that A LOT here... lol

Let us know whatcha hear...
I just read the XOOPS thread. :surprise:

No back-up? Steve should be terminated for non-delivery of service. The VMOA is paying him, so he should be held responsible. No product = No pay.
Thought I would pass this along, from the Yahoo Lists

"I know this has nothing to do with the tech list but this list but Paul
C.thought since this last has the most members on it we could reach
more members this way.
As most of you know the VMOA website is currently down. Steve was
loading some new software and ended up crashing the website. He is
trying to figure out what went wrong. I know everybody's been pretty
patient about this and I thank you for that. I'm not sure how long it
will take to get it back up but we may have to look at other options.
If you have any questions you can contact me personally.

Kelvin Lane
VMOA President
[email protected]"

I say piss on them.Buster offered and was denied.I think this forum needs to be the vmoa's competitor anyways.
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