Cross your fingers

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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
El Dorado, CA
Going in tomorrow morning for replacement of my pacemaker. Only a little nervous, routine procedure, but there's always a chance for infection or other complication. They'll keep me overnight Monday nite for observation, so I should be able to post sometime Tuesday PM. Keep fingers crossed for me.
Thinking good thoughts for you. I am sure all will be well. My wife and I will include you in our prayers tonight.
Fingers crossed Mtn Max, you'll be out riding in no time.
Good luck; our prayer and thoughts will be with you.

You going for any hot rod parts while they're in there or just a stock rebuild?

We know how the Mod Monkey can be
I heard Nology makes a "plasmamaker" that supposedly delivers 50x the voltage of traditional pacemakers for increased circulation performance.

*Ask your doctor if the Plasmamaker(TM) is right for you.

Good luck, I'm sure you'll be back on the Max in no time.
Fingers crossed and best wishes sent your way.

I heard the new stuff is pretty cool.
It has two levels of retired mode for taking it easy and several advance curves for various activity. But, you can't leave out the piece of mind protection from the rev limiter :th_love031:.

Thanks all! I'll be fine, had a valve job a few yrs ago, now a new ECM and I'll be good for another 100K! Better than most used cars! LMAO
Good thoughts and good wishes out your way, Sir!

Any thoughts of adding a vboost system in there? Just think how happy your wife will be when you hit 6000rpms!!! :rofl_200:

Do NOT go into the light...Run away from the light.
Seriously, best wishes. Ask for no urinary catheter, and consider soft or liquid foods for a few days before. Makes the first post op poop manageable. Hope they give you a good warranty with the new ticker!

When in doubt...Gas it !!!