Happy Birthday Thread... (post all wishes here!)

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Thanks guys...
Yes i still ride like a wild man, thats what keeps me young :biglaugh:

No G i don't have 200000 miles yet.
Believe it or not but my bike has about 36,000 on it.
I average around 7500 per year, and still grin from ear to ear everytime i jump on the throttle!
happy birthday przemek. didn't realize we were that close in age!
Yep, some people here calls me "kiddo" :rofl_200:
Definitly by watching at me you will not say that im on that age.

Thanks for wishes :cheers:

happy birthday przemek. didn't realize we were that close in age!
I dint realize either that we are from the same year :punk:

Thanks for wishes :cheers:
:happybday:H A P P Y :banana: B I R T H D A Y :banana: D A N N Y !:happybday:
:git::th_party39::th_2fc2c5a5::th_party33::band::thumbs up::smoke000::ten_out_of_ten::th_image003::eclipsee_gold_cup::icon_kidra::th_bump_2::You_Rock::xmas::D:cool:
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