Central Florida Tech Day In The Country

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Sure Dave we would like to meet her. By the way I got a follow up call tonite from the exhaust company,I'm not used to customer service like this.
Thanx Bill, I know Mary will enjoy the people and the Max's.

Last check, 18 had read the thread on the VMOA Site but no replies...

A call from the exhaust company..:ummm::confused2::clapping:
Seriously let me know what you like, I've got you covered it's the least I can do! One question though should anything be used on the joint's where the exhaust goes together like anti seize, "Just wondering?" My exhaust gaskets are ordered so I will have new ones. I figure we could fit 25 or so bikes in the center area of the shop so space wont be a problem, "If we need it"

I really hope the turnout is good, I would really like a chance to meet our fellow VMaxer's!:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

Bill dont worry about it I was more shooting the bull than any thing, I do not supply liquor when I have tech days & normally dont drink untill every one leaves. I hope we have a good turn out to. Next time call me I could have brought the exaust gaskets.
I invited a new guy who lives in Orlando....:biglaugh: He just bought a Max...

Added: He's going on a trip the 24th..
You have a really good location for more riders to come in. I hope we can get the word out to some that will...:ummm:
I got back from Leesburg today and got the shop cleaned up a bit, We will be ready in plenty of time. Cant wait until Saturday!:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

58 have read the thread on the VMOA Site, so far CaptainKyle replied....:sad2:

I need to get shims together and on the bike I'm bringing so you can Shim Your Needles. I'm really looking forward to next weekend. I won't have to work on my own stuff. Hopefully......:rofl_200:

I can just take Pictures, maybe even Videos and help with your mods.:biglaugh:
I've been wanting to head over ever since allisontech's announcement, but 've been hesitant to even say that I'd be a "maybe" cuz it'd be like a 2-hour trip over. my longest trip to date was down to Vero, which was 'bout 1 1/2 hours away. man i'd have a hoot shaking all y'all's hands and sharing a couple a drinks while learning from the vets. if i can fix the weep from my crankcase breather, then maybe i'll head over.

you know what? it would be a hell of a lot funner if i could hook up with an Orlando-ite on my way over. if i could find a hook-up, my "maybe" would turn into an "almost for sure". who in Orlando is "for sure" heading over?
Hopefully people from Orlando will chime in so you can hook up and ride in together. It would be great to have you join us. "Weather man say's no sign of rain anytime soon!".:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

Snag some OP from the Space Coast to ride with you. They don't have to be on VMax's. We're not prejudice..:rofl_200:
Ya a few people I know with regular cruisers are coming out. "I'm trying to talk a friend with a Big Dog into coming out, but he's afraid someone with a VMax would want to race him!" LOL
How late will you have people over? I hopefully will be done helping my buddy move by 1200 or so.
Tell your buddy I'll race him!
How late will you have people over? I hopefully will be done helping my buddy move by 1200 or so.
Tell your buddy I'll race him!

We are going to start around 11:00 so I would say later in the day, As far as I'm concerned it's over when the last person leaves, I have no time restraints. Just head this way when you can, that would be great! :biglaugh::biglaugh: