Helmets... Maybe?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2013
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des moines
First off, I live in a state with no helmet law. I'm neutral, I personally wear one 99% of the time, but strongly believe the govt should stay out of it. HOWEVER... Was at a bike night last week and some moron comes riding in with his kid on the back who couldn't have been more than 4. With no lid. Not to mention they couldn't reach the passenger pegs. That's bullshit. And I don't know how that couldn't be (somehow) construed as child endangerment. Especially in today's society.

Anyway, rant over.
....and that's usually the argument why you need Big Brother's laws....for just such people who can't police themselves.............
idiots breed idiots, natural selection should take care of that blood line soon enough....
First off, I live in a state with no helmet law. I'm neutral, I personally wear one 99% of the time, but strongly believe the govt should stay out of it. HOWEVER... Was at a bike night last week and some moron comes riding in with his kid on the back who couldn't have been more than 4. With no lid. Not to mention they couldn't reach the passenger pegs. That's bullshit. And I don't know how that couldn't be (somehow) construed as child endangerment. Especially in today's society.

Anyway, rant over.

Once you are an adult it should be your choice. Since society has deemed 18 as the adulthood starting point I would say < 18 a helmet should be mandatory.

I agree with you wholeheartedly that what that guy did is child endangerment.
idiots breed idiots, natural selection should take care of that blood line soon enough....
Unfortunately people are kept alive by laws....and then they have 10 kids that all inherit the stupid gene.

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I honestly do feel bad for kids with parents like that.. the kid didn't do anything wrong, just did what their parent told them to do..
IMO if you ride without a helmet you are an idiot. I did not feel this way a few years back but i do now. Like loud pipe's helmet's save live's. Hell a helmet will save your life even if your loud pipe's don't. Sorry if i offend anyone . I have a hard time riding my bike slow in a parking lot without a helmet. The last time i went for a bicycle ride i thought to myself i should have a helmet. All it could take is one time without it and it would take a'lot with it. I know i know you could do more damage with one in a few way's but even most idiot's know it's better to have one than not to have one.
Kudo's to him for spending time with his kid. There are far too many kids that don't get that same opportunity.
I personally almost always wear a Helmet unless I'm in a parade doing 2-5 mph or in a similar situation.
I wear a half helmet around town at lower speeds and a full face when I go out for more spirited riding.
I grew up riding mini bikes/dirt bikes without a helmet or any gear for that matter from 6-16 years old.
Obviously I survived that.
Back then riding gear just wasn't a focus like it is today.

IMO, if you live in a State without a helmet law do whatever you want.
I feel that people should wear helmets.

I also feel like it should be the people's own choice...if govt wants to promote safety with psa ,billboard, commercials, bumper sstickers. .debates..etc.. All the power to em.

I also feel that it should be manditory for minors to wear them.

But again..a full grown adult should be able to do whatever the heck they want as long as their not interfering with other people.

I do suggest helmets tho.. i have ridden without and i cant iimagine being on hiway without it.
As I posted in novelty helmets thread...
I was 3 or 4 when this happened to me.
Had my skull crushed as a child. They were picking bone fragments off the membrane over my brain. Rebuilt my skull, but have a huge scar now. If I had a helmet, I think this could have been avoided.
The Vmax Gods looked down upon me so I may live to ride another day.
Well in a good portion of the state's helmets ARE manditory if your a child.

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If it was only the individual concerned that was affected by a head trauma then I'd happily support the 'freedom of choice' argument.

Unfortunately that isn't the case.

If you are fortunate you may just get a nasty scrape - still a lot of blood though which will scare the sh*t out of those who witness it plus there is the time and resources of those having to put the individual back together.
As the degree of trauma goes up the scale of the affect on the individual and their nearest and dearest together with the healthcare professionals starts to go through the roof.

In the UK we have had to wear lids since '73. Before then I did occasionally ride without one, enjoying the feel of the wind in my hair, the dust, grit and insects that made my eyes water so that at times I couldn't see where I was going.....

Whilst I respect others rights to choose there are times when we need to be protected from ourselves.
90% of my riding is with a full helmet. When heat is intolerable, I'll wear a half helmet. I oppose the state telling me I have to wear a helmet as much as dictating how I can protect my family.
I grew up in Wyo, helmets were required if you were under 19. Hell I thought making my kids wear helmets when they were on bicycles was right. Of course living on a military base it was a requirement. I have a 7 month old grandson I would love to give a short ride on my motorcycle.. Issue is no helmets that small, and I would have to put in in a backpack or my tank bag.. maybe duct tape.. His mother loved/ loves riding on the back but doesn't support me doing this.. Maybe next summer...lol
Easy solution, a sidecar, but wait until he's older.

I grew up in Wyo, helmets were required if you were under 19. Hell I thought making my kids wear helmets when they were on bicycles was right. Of course living on a military base it was a requirement. I have a 7 month old grandson I would love to give a short ride on my motorcycle.. Issue is no helmets that small, and I would have to put in in a backpack or my tank bag.. maybe duct tape.. His mother loved/ loves riding on the back but doesn't support me doing this.. Maybe next summer...lol

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