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Packers played well and earned a berth in the Superbowl.
Good first half for the Steelers, need to keep up the pressure and have no turnovers on offense.
Sweet, Steelers win! Now to finish the job in the Superbowl!:punk:
The 1st half was all Steelers, but the Jets came alive in the 2nd. Two good games in a row. Hats off to the Jets. They did good this year. I think the Packers have the upper hand coming up, but means nothing in any game played. I remember the Skins getting stomped by Oakland 55-10 when Washington was a huge favorite. I think it will be a good SB coming up. The prob for me is I wanted both these teams in.

They had Franco Harris handing over the AFC trophy. Kinda cool. Where's da Bus?
Good first half for the Steelers, need to keep up the pressure and have no turnovers on offense. :punk:

It was PAINFUL to be a Steelers fan for a day!!! But was worth it to see the Jets crash & burn!! Only had hoped that we would have done it....Oh well, at least the Evil Empire is finally out of it....That was too close!!
It was PAINFUL to be a Steelers fan for a day!!! But was worth it to see the Jets crash & burn!! Only had hoped that we would have done it....Oh well, at least the Evil Empire is finally out of it....That was too close!!
Ha Ha, well as a long time Steeler fan I've been used to the last minute heroics or close calls as the other teams tries to come back. I must not have too weak of a heart because they keep you on the edge of your seat that's for sure!:punk::punk::punk:
Steelers have some work to do yet and it needs to be done where they do it best, in the Superbowl!
Anyone else watch the Pro Bowl? It was so good, I turned away from it a half dozen times. Seemed like the pre game and the announcers were so boring. They talked about everything football but what was going on with the game, which was drab in itself, to me. Course, I can't blame them not wanting to get hurt at the end of the season.

5 more days!
Day 7 of the week, seems like a good day to win a 7th Superbowl, eh?
My guess is that the Steelers will use a ground game again to control the clock; The defense of the Steelers need to pressure Rodgers but keep him contained. Who's got a bet on the game and what are your numbers for how it's going to turn out?
My prediction the score will be Steelers 27 Packers 12.:punk:
Jerry Jones embrace the fact that you have yet to mention the Steelers or Greenbay in interveiws but you get to host the Steelers in Jerry's World. Being from Southwestern PA I have seen just as many Steeler fans in TX as back home. But the guy scaping off his Dallas sticker and replacing it with a Steeler one was priceless.
For you Steeler haters/betting men think of this
Ben #7 playing for the 7th title on 7 Febuary.
777 isnt that the Big pay outs in Vegas?

Good Job Packers, the best Super Bowl I have seen in years. May be the last for a season also. Day 1 starts now for SB XLVI for Pittsburgh, if there is one.
didnt even seem like the steelers wanted to win nearly as bad as the packers did. the packers played one hell of a game and the steelers beat themselves.
I noticed that it was a little strange the way the offense was playing but I attribute that to GB's D. You could see that Lebeau's D definitely had Rodgers second guessing himself but in the end they made a few better plays than the Steelers to win it.
Legursky played a helluva great game, I'm sure the line calls would have been a little more sophisticated if Pouncey was in there but Doug filled in well for starting his first game.
All in all I enjoyed the game with the frustrations of turnovers/ coming from behind but otherwise it was a good game to watch.
Christina Aguilera's half time performance was embarrassing for America and should be for her professionally.:bang head:
A man had 50 yard line tickets for the Super Bowl.

As he sat down, he noticed that the seat next to him was empty.

He asked the man on the other side of the empty seat whether anyone was sitting there.

"No," the man replied, "The seat is empty."

"This is incredible," said the first man.

"Who in their right mind would have a seat like this for the Super Bowl, the biggest sporting event in the world and not use it?"

The second man replied, "Well, actually, the seat belongs to me. I was supposed to come with my wife, but she passed away.

This will be the first Super bowl we haven't been together since we got married in 1967."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. That's terrible. But couldn't you find someone else -- a friend or relative, or even a neighbor to take the seat?"

The man shook his head. "No, they're all at the funeral."
Yes hats off to green bay, they fought hard for the trophy and deserve it...
considering how many mistakes pittsburgh made and only lost by 6 is actually pretty damn good.
Steelers made one hell of a comeback but couldn't make it happen in the end. Both teams played well and should be proud of their efforts. Good game to watch! Aguilera probably feels like a moron ;)

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